if u were one of my mutuals on this hellsite,,,, hmu lmao @lvanzen3 on insta and @lvanzen on sc
on April 03, 2020

looking back at this website is literally the funniest fuckig shit ever,,, like who did I think i was in 2013 KAJSKJAKDJHDA

the roleplay,,, the art,,, the amount of edgy vent posts from a literal 11 year old,,,, i am DECEASED
on April 03, 2020
on April 03, 2020

on January 24, 2016

8th grade and 12 years old... ;-; I see i guess im not accepted
on November 09, 2015

Just watch it. Trust me. It's amazing.
Just watch it. Trust me. It's amazing.

Evelyn Evelyn Full Album
I always thought this was an awesome and underrated album, and I noticed there was no full album of it other than playlists uploaded on Youtube. I hope peopl...
on October 31, 2015

WOOF! :3
on August 12, 2015

on August 12, 2015

Rainbow_Bird asked a question

How Did You Find Out About Poke'mon? That's right, how were you introduced to the most ...
on August 12, 2015

WAAAAAAH! I come back to Qfeast to find out that I have 500 followers! What about me not existing makes me so likeable? XD
on August 12, 2015

Hiyah Sofa! :3
on April 15, 2015

Rainbow_Bird added a new chapter to Longshadow's curse
Chapter Ten
Rippledpool saw all of the cats sitting around Swiftflower, holding vigil around her until the dawn rises. She saw Sparrowstar and Drizzletail sitting behind Vinepaw and Rabbitpaw, whose eyes looked dry. Rippledpool noticed that Vinepaw’s pads were bleeding. Whiteclaw was sitting with her three kits by her side, Snowkit was looking at the rocky ground, Rainkit was falling asleep, and Longkit was staring at Swiftflower with an unreadable look in his eyes. When Snowkit saw Rippledpool she bound...
Read Full Chapter
on September 14, 2014

Rainbow_Bird added a new chapter to Longshadow's curse
Chapter Nine
“Rippledpool, why didn’t you tell them about Longkit?” Drizzletail, MountainClan’s deputy mewed as they padded through the waning moonlight.
“Because,” Ripplepdool grunted as she leaped up on top of a boulder. “The other clans might think we are weak, and we can’t have that.” Drizzletail nodded and dug her claws into a rock ledge, leaping up onto the top of the cliff that the MountainClan cats must climb to get back from the gathering. Rippledpool sighed as she got to the top and padded into... Read Full Chapter
“Because,” Ripplepdool grunted as she leaped up on top of a boulder. “The other clans might think we are weak, and we can’t have that.” Drizzletail nodded and dug her claws into a rock ledge, leaping up onto the top of the cliff that the MountainClan cats must climb to get back from the gathering. Rippledpool sighed as she got to the top and padded into... Read Full Chapter
on September 08, 2014

Hey wanna do a warriors rp

Sparrowstar: *creeps forward a bit more, then signals with tail and pounces in front of a blue-grey tom* What are doing in ShadowClan territory? *snarls*
on September 06, 2014
on September 06, 2014

Rainbow_Bird added a new chapter to Longshadow's curse
Chapter Eight
The eight cats slinked across the prairie, Sparrowstar in the lead. She twitched her tail, signalling a GrassClan patrol was nearing. They darted into the treeline and hid, the patrol stoppng to sniff, then passing by.
“Phew!” Vinepaw sighed, flicking her light-grey ear.
“Shh!” Ripplepdool reminded. Silverpelt was just appearing in the sky as the cats neared the Great Valley, where the Gathering was held. MarshClan had just arrived, but GrassClan and DesertClan were no where in sight. Sparr... Read Full Chapter
“Phew!” Vinepaw sighed, flicking her light-grey ear.
“Shh!” Ripplepdool reminded. Silverpelt was just appearing in the sky as the cats neared the Great Valley, where the Gathering was held. MarshClan had just arrived, but GrassClan and DesertClan were no where in sight. Sparr... Read Full Chapter
on September 06, 2014