Yay birds! Everyone post your favorite birds!
Mine are Killdeer, Green Jays, and Barn Owls!!!:x
Mine are Killdeer, Green Jays, and Barn Owls!!!:x
on August 17, 2014

Hi:) Do you like owls?

I like how the conversation went from owls, to us ranting about how humans should die and animals rule the world, to cheese, and then to laptops!B)B)B) If only life was like that!
on August 17, 2014

on August 17, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Name: SparrowFlight
Pelt: White with a brown ear, left-hind leg, and tail-tip
Eyes: Emerald green with yellow flecks
Refuses to eat birds, something to do with her back story, will make a story for later;), can jump high, and likes getting wet, can't stand the heat.
Pelt: White with a brown ear, left-hind leg, and tail-tip
Eyes: Emerald green with yellow flecks
Refuses to eat birds, something to do with her back story, will make a story for later;), can jump high, and likes getting wet, can't stand the heat.
on August 16, 2014

Not all is cute and cuddly in the animal world!
Loggerhead Shrikes A.K.A "Butcher Birds" are known to impale their prey in thorny bushes, and during mating season, females choose a mate depending on how large the larders!:-&
Snakes and Pelicans are known to swallow their prey alive, and digest it in their stomachs!:-O
Many social males will fight to the death to become the leader of the pack, flock, pride, group, clan, or whatever
A group of Crows is called a MURDER (DUN See More DUN DUN)>:)
And, to untwist your gizzard after seeing all of that, you may watch this episode of Too Cute on ANIMALPLANET in the link below.:p
Loggerhead Shrikes A.K.A "Butcher Birds" are known to impale their prey in thorny bushes, and during mating season, females choose a mate depending on how large the larders!:-&
Snakes and Pelicans are known to swallow their prey alive, and digest it in their stomachs!:-O
Many social males will fight to the death to become the leader of the pack, flock, pride, group, clan, or whatever
A group of Crows is called a MURDER (DUN See More DUN DUN)>:)
And, to untwist your gizzard after seeing all of that, you may watch this episode of Too Cute on ANIMALPLANET in the link below.:p

Best Moments : Videos : Animal Planet
There's so much adorableness in Too Cute it's hard to narrow down our favorite moments - but we've tried! Enjoy catching up on the cute!

I know right? That MURDER thingy is prettyeh cool. And snakes can't chew. Totally can't chew, so they have to swallow. That's sorta freaky. And then there's the vultures...man, they eat dead stuff. Rotten dead stuff not even da bugs will eat.
on August 13, 2014

@JeweledOwl812 lol i know right, i especially love the MURDER (DUN DUN DUN) of crows!>:)
on August 12, 2014
on August 12, 2014

What's your favorite animal? And does anyone have a pet bird? They make awesome pets.:D I have 7 and I love them more than anything!

I wish I had an owl so I could join Hogwarts as a fake wizard! As for the fave animal thing, I 'unno. It keeps switching, but currently I'm in love with sand cats.
on August 13, 2014

on August 11, 2014
on August 11, 2014

*falls down* whoooooah whoah whoah when did I get 4 2 5 followers!!!!!!! Oh my gosh thanks everybody even though I never come on any more lol!
on June 23, 2014

Long time no see!!!!! :-o

Hi! I've been gone from Qfeast a while, ha... Lol I should come on more often, I bet I will with school ending!
on June 23, 2014
on June 10, 2014

on May 28, 2014

how are you doing
how are you doing
on May 12, 2014

So, what's with the username? Tellin people to be safe around trains? Or are bees now capable of opening safes?
Random Enlightenment
Random Enlightenment
on May 07, 2014

on May 07, 2014

Yo, long time no see, you should watch this anime called higurashi
on May 06, 2014

on May 06, 2014

Lol I know i said i was leaving but still I came back on, 55 NOTIFICATIONZ!
on April 15, 2014

Hey hey sorry people but I'm leaving Qfeast thanks for dealing with my craziness you all are awesome so bye!
on March 16, 2014