Hello there little wolf!
on March 05, 2014

I really do not like how almost EVERY fire starter turned into a fire-fighting, i was quite happy when my delphox evolved into a fire phycic, I have not seen many of those before.

I also love how in every Poke'mon game there is a special flying type poke'mon that it accesible in the very beggining, these poke'mon are really powerful, especislaly Talonflame.
on March 05, 2014
on March 05, 2014

on February 27, 2014

on February 26, 2014

I wish they would have used the part in SoulSilver where your poke'mon in the first slot follows you in the other games, especially X and Y because with the animation that would look really cool!

on August 17, 2014

it would seem like a horror movie in some parts, A huge monster followed some kid down an alley...
on March 25, 2014

I know! It would be so cool to watch my awesome umbreon following me while I rollerbladed!
on March 05, 2014

on March 05, 2014
on February 26, 2014

on February 25, 2014

A lot of disney movies are cheesy, but this one was amazing, cuz for ONCE a boy's true love didn't awaken her! It was a sisterly bond! I think that that's really sweet, plus, they have an awesome snowman!

on January 29, 2016
on February 25, 2014

My favorite games are SoulSilver and Poke'mon Y.
My favorite games are SoulSilver and Poke'mon Y.

Well, so can all the other poke'mon if you get them to have five hearts in poje'mon amie, they also snap out of status conditions and do critical hioits.
on February 27, 2014

well, I just cought a lot of eevees, slyveon is OP it can read your mind and avoid attacks!
on February 27, 2014

>:) Lucky! I had to redo it 27 times!!!!! I got a male evee in wondertrade though! Bred it with a ditto and made an evee-lution team!
on February 26, 2014

lol,got a female frokie on my first attempt :D and got a male Japanese frokie in wonder trade :D
on February 26, 2014
on February 24, 2014

on February 24, 2014

I really love birds, they are so amazing, the way that they defy the boundaries, and fly into an unknown land, the way that they sim bolide freedom, and how beautiful they are from the smallw songbirds, to the majestic birds of prey, to the cute little shorebirds, they are indeed, magical.

have you seen the feathers of A budgie? They are the most beautiful things in the world! I have seven budgies and they are soooo adorable!
on August 17, 2014
on February 23, 2014


on December 03, 2018
on February 23, 2014

Hey! Can't mesagge right now! So we can talk like this. So, who was your favorite Creepypasta again?
on February 20, 2014

How did I get in this forest? *brushes off leaves* oh well, might find slenderman X3!
on February 20, 2014