maka12345678 asked a question

any good animes What are some good action animes to watch
on June 23, 2017

maka12345678 asked a question

Where would you go if you had the ability to time travel?
on June 04, 2017

maka12345678 asked a question
i can't explain stories I can get amazing ideas for stories but have no clue how to exp...
on March 10, 2016

maka12345678 asked a question

if ichigo and naruto were fighting who do you think would win ichigo vs naruto who do y...
on December 21, 2015

on March 07, 2015

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Here's your gift~ &[]

thanks i know chrimstmas has pasted i have not been on here for a long time now but thanks
on March 07, 2015
on December 26, 2014

tanks 4 following me :)
on April 19, 2014

on April 02, 2014