You are officially invited to my b-day on qfeast on halloween from 7:00 pm till 12:00 pm
on October 20, 2014

on October 04, 2014

Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)> \(^•w•^)/
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)> \(^•w•^)/
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
on September 12, 2014

Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)> \(^•w•^)/
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)> \(^•w•^)/
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
on September 12, 2014

Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)>
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)>
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
on September 09, 2014

This is a sequel to my story Chosen. (takes place 24 years after Chosen) You don't have to read Chosen to understand this one though. Feel free to request OCs! -In a world go Elements and Magic, everything is too perfect.. Daughter of two of the "Remembered Four," Winter Brite suspects not only followers of the old Elemental council are reuniting, but also that elements and magic are not the strongest weapons in the world..-
on August 31, 2014

It's 11:06 PM in England right now...I DONT CARE GO ON QFEAST ALL NIGHT. *all of a sudden...* *head bonks on keyboard* |-)
on August 19, 2014

new story...i need caracters!
this new story is called touhou,its a action anime story!
these r the caracters,u can pick!but quikly people can get it first then
oh!and also this is just for cap 1!but if u pick a caracter u stay!as that caracter..ok anyways oh!and im just gonna say names k
reimu hakurei
marisa kirirsame
letty whiterock
aya shameimaru
kana anaberal
patchouli knowledge
youmu konpaku
sakuya izayoi
yuyuko saigyouji
hong meiling
wriggle nightbug
well thats all for episode 1 of caracters
remember u pick a caracter u stay as that carcater k?
anyways bye!
on August 17, 2014

on August 17, 2014