Circus RP
Be whatever you like, acrobat, animal act, clown, contortionist etc. I am the Ringmaster :) but I'll make up more ocs :D it's a gypsy type thing. They're kind to the animals, no ranting about animal rights. Go to an animal welfare page.

Akala:*making a spice blend for Marcus, now the chief cook that his wife was gone*
*crushing them with a bowl and stick, inhaling the divine smell*
*crushing them with a bowl and stick, inhaling the divine smell*

Ela: Yea, exactly. *she put her head in her hands confused on how to handle the situation*
on November 22, 2014

Akala:*mouth forming an "Ah."* Well, that's the ones I've seen. Hmm.
on November 22, 2014

Ela: *scoffs* We barely have a conversation and when we do, it ends with me getting kicked out!
on November 22, 2014

Akala:Open your mouth, and point your head in his direction. *sees her serious face and shakes her head* I don't know. You seemed to be doing well together in practices I've seen.
on November 22, 2014

Ela: How do I talk to him?
on November 22, 2014
on November 10, 2014

Adam:*sharpening his knives, the familiar zizz of the metal on whetstone soothing and rhythmic*
*round the back of his caravan, letting the metal dust fall onto the grass*
*round the back of his caravan, letting the metal dust fall onto the grass*
on October 31, 2014

Misha: *violently hammers nails into wood, building a stage prop*

Akala:*unconvinced, sure that people only say "I'll be fine" when they're not* If you start feeling destroyed, come tell me. *gives a smile, standing up*
on October 12, 2014

Misha: If you ever meet one, let me know. *petting Cuddle* We make so little already. My father is saving to visit home, but we're never going to make it. I'll be fine for now.
on October 12, 2014

Akala:*a slight crease forming between her eyebrows* If you are being someone else's firewood, that's a noble intention. Though not very sustainable if you want to continue without burning out. Why don't you rest? I'm sure there are plenty of performers willing to chip in to give you a break. *hoping she was telling the truth*
on October 12, 2014

Misha: I know, but I don't even get to perform. I build props and lift and set the trapeze, but I never get to have fun. I've stopped trying to pretend it will happen. I work all day and then when I have time to practice hand balancing, I am too tired. I stay strong for Natalia, but I am destroying myself.
on October 11, 2014
on September 28, 2014

Akala:*making a new hoop from bamboo cane, bending it around to form a circle with her foot*

on September 28, 2014

on September 28, 2014

Akala:I know Adam won't hurt you. He still beats himself up over his aunt, he thinks he caused her heart attack by the pressure of being a target. It's nonsense, he knows inside, but he can't help thinking it. *talking up to the sky, blue and white blending like sea and foam*
on September 28, 2014

Ela: *shrugs lying down onto the grass with a sigh* At least if I go, I'll go doing what I love.
on September 28, 2014
on September 27, 2014

Marcus:*frying copious mountains of bacon, making sandwiches in a conveyor belt*
Adam:*takes one, nodding thanks to him and sitting at the long foldable table*
Adam:*takes one, nodding thanks to him and sitting at the long foldable table*

on September 27, 2014

Adam:*nods, scraping back his chair* Thanks. *trying to remember that detail, putting it away in his mind* See you. *walks off*
on September 27, 2014

Eli: *laughs* I can imagine! *thinking about it* Well, I can promise you no matter what, El won't scream or show pain. In fact, watch out for that, she will never show you when she's hurting outside or in. *shrugs pushing away the serious note* I'm sure you two will be great.
on September 27, 2014

Adam:One of the horse back walker girls offered to take her place, but she was too flighty. I kept worrying I was going to throw and she'd try dodge it, straight into the path of the blade. *that particular practice session coming back to him* And she was very, VERY keen. *the squeals and giggling still buzzing in his memory like an irritating fly*
on September 27, 2014
on September 22, 2014

Akala:*head fuzzy, waking up slowly*
*sits up in a sort of daze, eyes squinting at the bright morning sun*
*remembering last night, a flood of information overloading her mind* Ughh.....*a little ashamed she cried on someone's shoulder*
*gets up, getting changed and heading outside to fetch water to wash*
*sits up in a sort of daze, eyes squinting at the bright morning sun*
*remembering last night, a flood of information overloading her mind* Ughh.....*a little ashamed she cried on someone's shoulder*
*gets up, getting changed and heading outside to fetch water to wash*

on September 22, 2014
on September 18, 2014

*in her caravan*
Akala:*in a green show outfit, gold bangles jangling on her arms* Hopefully Cuddle will behave tonight......*picking at the bangles agitatedly*
Akala:*in a green show outfit, gold bangles jangling on her arms* Hopefully Cuddle will behave tonight......*picking at the bangles agitatedly*

on September 14, 2014

Adam:We'll work out a cooler routine later, for now think up ideas. *pushes bottom lip out, walking off* What's your name? *head turning as an afterthought*
on September 14, 2014
on August 28, 2014

Akala:*bursts into Marcus's caravan* Eli broke his leg and now he wants to perform even though the show's in three days and-
Marcus:*holds up a hand* Whoa, whoa WHOA. Start again, and chew your words before vomiting them up on me. *concentrating hard*
Akala:It's a long story.....basically I went to go get my hoop, broke the net and made Eli break his leg. But he insists on performing, because he thinks you'll fire him.
Marcus:*draws brows together, processing* Well.....
Akala:Marcus? See More
Marcus:He does have to perform. It's why he's here.
Akala:WHAT!?!? *hands fly open* But-
Marcus:He's a performer. He knew the risks.
Akala:Still!!! He could hurt-
Marcus:*cuts her off* He could hurt himself any day of the week. So could you, being a tiger's chew toy. If he's willing to perform, I won't stop him.
Akala:*bristles at being called a chew toy, turning and flying out*
Marcus:*holds up a hand* Whoa, whoa WHOA. Start again, and chew your words before vomiting them up on me. *concentrating hard*
Akala:It's a long story.....basically I went to go get my hoop, broke the net and made Eli break his leg. But he insists on performing, because he thinks you'll fire him.
Marcus:*draws brows together, processing* Well.....
Akala:Marcus? See More
Marcus:He does have to perform. It's why he's here.
Akala:WHAT!?!? *hands fly open* But-
Marcus:He's a performer. He knew the risks.
Akala:Still!!! He could hurt-
Marcus:*cuts her off* He could hurt himself any day of the week. So could you, being a tiger's chew toy. If he's willing to perform, I won't stop him.
Akala:*bristles at being called a chew toy, turning and flying out*
on August 26, 2014

Name: Leo
Age: adult
Role: Lion
Personality: PLayful, ambitious, kind, fierce, protective
Extra: Nada
Other: found as a cub on the Black-market
Age: adult
Role: Lion
Personality: PLayful, ambitious, kind, fierce, protective
Extra: Nada
Other: found as a cub on the Black-market
on August 20, 2014

Name: Riley
Age: 14
Role: Lion Tamer
Personality: Kind, sometimes bossy, weird, fun
Extra: Nothing.
Other: She left her family in Oklahoma to join her first circus.
Age: 14
Role: Lion Tamer
Personality: Kind, sometimes bossy, weird, fun
Extra: Nothing.
Other: She left her family in Oklahoma to join her first circus.
on August 18, 2014

Misha: *Messing around and practicing hand balancing*
Natalia: You're getting better, Misha! Look at your muscles.
Misha: *Comes down* Because I always have to carry around set pieces and lift props. You're going to practice your tightrope? The net is up.
Natalia: да (Yes). спасибо (thank you) Keep practicing, Misha and maybe you'll perform one day.
Natalia: You're getting better, Misha! Look at your muscles.
Misha: *Comes down* Because I always have to carry around set pieces and lift props. You're going to practice your tightrope? The net is up.
Natalia: да (Yes). спасибо (thank you) Keep practicing, Misha and maybe you'll perform one day.

on August 19, 2014
on August 18, 2014

Rin:-lies in cage-

(They've gone to a bar, but you can start a new post and I'll rp with my other oc if you like)
on August 27, 2014

on August 27, 2014
on August 18, 2014

Name: Katerina
Role: hasn't found anything unique to do and so far is doing odd jobs for the circus
Personality: ( it may change ) a little quiet sweet but focused and will do what she set out to do
Family/backstory: was rather wealthy but her parents died and she was abused by her relatives so she ran away and is now at the circus
Extra: is a jack-of-all-trades
Role: hasn't found anything unique to do and so far is doing odd jobs for the circus
Personality: ( it may change ) a little quiet sweet but focused and will do what she set out to do
Family/backstory: was rather wealthy but her parents died and she was abused by her relatives so she ran away and is now at the circus
Extra: is a jack-of-all-trades
on August 18, 2014

Name: Rin
Age: not exactly a adult,a young adult
Role (act): Tiger..
Appearance: A normal tiger except wih unique silver eyes.
Personality: Rebellious and short tempered.
Family: all dead due to hunters
Backstory: she is a orphan now.Her parents were killed by the hunters when he was a cub. She had to grow up in the jungle along and learn the way the hard way rather the being taught as a cub.She was taken by the circus one day due to her silver eyes. They were trying to tame See More her when she killed one of the members. She is now kept in a cage and still untamed. Just waiting for he one.(note if someone tames her she won't be fully tamed as she is a tiger after all just won't try to kill them and all)
Extra:she is worth a lot due to her eyes..
Age: not exactly a adult,a young adult
Role (act): Tiger..
Appearance: A normal tiger except wih unique silver eyes.
Personality: Rebellious and short tempered.
Family: all dead due to hunters
Backstory: she is a orphan now.Her parents were killed by the hunters when he was a cub. She had to grow up in the jungle along and learn the way the hard way rather the being taught as a cub.She was taken by the circus one day due to her silver eyes. They were trying to tame See More her when she killed one of the members. She is now kept in a cage and still untamed. Just waiting for he one.(note if someone tames her she won't be fully tamed as she is a tiger after all just won't try to kill them and all)
Extra:she is worth a lot due to her eyes..
on August 18, 2014

Wanna RP? I'll start.
*In Silverstorm's caravan*
Wanna RP? I'll start.
*In Silverstorm's caravan*

Silverstorm: It's awful for her to be hated by people she hasn't met. Just because she's a gypsy, and doesn't live anywhere...
on August 18, 2014
on August 18, 2014

Name: Silverstorm (Sarah Elizabeth)
Age: 16
Role (act): Contortionist, acrobat, dancer
Appearance: (In photo)
Personality: Happy, caring, kind
Family: A sister called Birdsong
Backstory: I'll leave it blank See More
Extra: None
Name: Birdsong (Beatrice Grace)
Age: 12
Role (act): Dancer, horsewoman
Appearance: (In photo)
Personality: Happy, caring, kind
Family: A sister called Silverstorm
Backstory: I'll leave it blank
Extra: Has a pet dog called Merlin
Age: 16
Role (act): Contortionist, acrobat, dancer
Appearance: (In photo)
Personality: Happy, caring, kind
Family: A sister called Birdsong
Backstory: I'll leave it blank See More
Extra: None
Name: Birdsong (Beatrice Grace)
Age: 12
Role (act): Dancer, horsewoman
Appearance: (In photo)
Personality: Happy, caring, kind
Family: A sister called Silverstorm
Backstory: I'll leave it blank
Extra: Has a pet dog called Merlin
on August 18, 2014

Name: Misha Andurov
Age: 16
Role: He can juggle and hand balance, but is not a registered performer.
Appearance: Much like his sister. Blonde hair and gray eyes.
Personality: Friendly, funny, and supportive
Family: The Andurovs
Extra: He is there to help set up, and run spot lights. He gets in the way a lot, but still likes to help. When he's nervous, he automatically speaks Russian.
Age: 16
Role: He can juggle and hand balance, but is not a registered performer.
Appearance: Much like his sister. Blonde hair and gray eyes.
Personality: Friendly, funny, and supportive
Family: The Andurovs
Extra: He is there to help set up, and run spot lights. He gets in the way a lot, but still likes to help. When he's nervous, he automatically speaks Russian.

Name: Milo Horowitz
Age: 28
Role: The musician. That awesome guy who plays the pipe organ outside the arena
Appearance: Awkward, lanky, goofy, but nice-looking
Personality: An all around good guy, but clumsy, sweet See More
Family: His family lives in New York
Extra: Is a hopeless romantic
Age: 28
Role: The musician. That awesome guy who plays the pipe organ outside the arena
Appearance: Awkward, lanky, goofy, but nice-looking
Personality: An all around good guy, but clumsy, sweet See More
Family: His family lives in New York
Extra: Is a hopeless romantic
on August 18, 2014

Name: Natalia Andurova
Age: 13
Role (act): Tightrope
Appearance: Picture
Personality: Curious, ambitious, and eager to learn and please See More
Family: Father, Mother, two older brothers
Backstory: She left Russia at a young age. She had dreams of the Bolshoi, but could not fulfill them.
Extra: Still aspires to be a ballerina, but knows she will never be
Age: 13
Role (act): Tightrope
Appearance: Picture
Personality: Curious, ambitious, and eager to learn and please See More
Family: Father, Mother, two older brothers
Backstory: She left Russia at a young age. She had dreams of the Bolshoi, but could not fulfill them.
Extra: Still aspires to be a ballerina, but knows she will never be
on August 18, 2014
on August 18, 2014

Name: Sergei Andurov
Age: 42
Role (act): Sword swallowing
Appearance: Picture
Personality: He is proud and strong on the outside, but is very self critical and deep inside
Family: He is married, but his wife is not a part of show business. One daughter, Natalia and two sons, Alexei (18) and Misha (16).
Backstory: He was born in Russia, but left when Natalia was six. He cares very much for his family and wants what's best for them. See More
Extra: He is sometimes ashamed of his profession, but it is all he has. His family is a little broken up. His wife and eldest son, Alexei live in Moscow, where Alexei attends a university. It sometimes worries him, but he visits when he can.
Age: 42
Role (act): Sword swallowing
Appearance: Picture
Personality: He is proud and strong on the outside, but is very self critical and deep inside
Family: He is married, but his wife is not a part of show business. One daughter, Natalia and two sons, Alexei (18) and Misha (16).
Backstory: He was born in Russia, but left when Natalia was six. He cares very much for his family and wants what's best for them. See More
Extra: He is sometimes ashamed of his profession, but it is all he has. His family is a little broken up. His wife and eldest son, Alexei live in Moscow, where Alexei attends a university. It sometimes worries him, but he visits when he can.
on August 18, 2014