After I finish Pony pals I am going to start writing Warrior Cats fanfic. Please comment below your cat, color, and clan rank. If you wish to be in it.(plz note that I will be adding spottedleaf, firestar(me), and sandstorm. Thank you)<3

Sandstorm is now taken. So there's just spottedleaf and your custom cats left
on August 02, 2013
on August 02, 2013

Anime_Fanguy added a new chapter to Pony pals

There was a knock on the door, Bill answered it and is nearly knocked over, "he's in the bedroom on the right uncle" Rainbowflash dashes to the room. "Dad" Flash says surprised "son, I'm so glad your ok" rainbow says then Hug's his son "ow!" Flash howls in pain "sorry" rainbow says, soon Raincloud, princess Lilly, and daisy come into the room "daisy!" Flash merrily says "how are you feeling?" Asks daisy, flash replies "I'm good, ribs still hurt." They talk, Then the princess speaks "Harold ha...
Read Full Chapter
on August 02, 2013

Anime_Fanguy added a new chapter to Pony pals

The patient, the parent, the princess
Flash is in bed for 2 weeks, one day Flash wakes up to see Pat enter the room "hey pat" Flash croaks "hey Flash, I herd what happened. You were vary brave" pat replies happily, Dash then enters the room "Ya still stand up for ponies ae cuz" she says"I'm mighty proud of ya, the way bill told me sounded like if he weren't there then y'all be in a comer, bet yall glad I married such a strong stallion" Flash laughs then groans in pain "I thought laughter was meant to be the best medicine" pat jok...
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on July 31, 2013

Anime_Fanguy added a new chapter to Pony pals

Flashes Parents
Flash is in bed for 2 weeks, one day Flash wakes up to see Pat enter the room "hey pat" Flash croaks "hey Flash, I herd what happened. You were vary brave" pat replies happily, Dash then enters the room "Ya still stand up for ponies ae cuz" she says"I'm mighty proud of ya, the way bill told me sounded like if he weren't there then y'all be in a comer, bet yall glad I married such a strong stallion" Flash laughs then groans in pain "I thought laughter was meant to be the best medicine" pat jok...
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on July 30, 2013

Anime_Fanguy added a new chapter to Pony pals

True colours.
The next morning Flash is woken up by Dash "hey cuz, it's nice to see ya." "Yeah, it is nice, I'll help at the farm, I gotta meet some pony 1st" Flash says as he stretches. "It's ok cuz, me an' Big Bill finished the mornin chores already, oh I made ya breakfast. Barley and wheat" "thanks Dash. You have grown up to be a vary pretty mare" "why thanks cuz" Dash says as she leaves the room.
As Flash races out the door he half yells "I'll be back this afternoon Dash". As Flash sours over the town... Read Full Chapter
As Flash races out the door he half yells "I'll be back this afternoon Dash". As Flash sours over the town... Read Full Chapter
on July 30, 2013

Anime_Fanguy added a new chapter to Pony pals

Good morning Maneton
The next morning Flash is woken by a knock on the door, Flash goes and opens the door. "Telegram for mr Flash" says the filly. "Yes that's me, hey aren't you, um, Gem?" Says Flash. "Yes, thanks for helping me yesterday Mr. Flash" says gem. "No problem, and its just Flash" flash replies as he smiles, Gem says "ok, would u like me to read it or would u?" "Go on, read it Gem" replies Flash. Gem clears her throat "Dear Son, I am hoping all is well in Maneton. If you have trouble finding a house y...
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on July 30, 2013

Name: Herbleaf
Eyes: Baby Blue
Color: black
Pattern: dark blue spots
Other: Dark blue eye spot
Personality: kind, caring, gentle.
Role: Medicine Cat See More
More Info: Only Tom to become a medicine cat in TC.
Eyes: Baby Blue
Color: black
Pattern: dark blue spots
Other: Dark blue eye spot
Personality: kind, caring, gentle.
Role: Medicine Cat See More
More Info: Only Tom to become a medicine cat in TC.
on July 30, 2013