Pony pals. (Characters so far)

Pony pals. (Characters so far)

I will be bringing the story out soon. In the mean time here's some characters. Feel free to give me some pony names, gender, breed, colors, and if it is a child or adult, in the comments. Cheers. *update* story will be finished in less then 25 hours.

published on July 30, 2013completed

New the ponies so far.

New the ponies so far.
{*= common character}
{ **=main characters}
{none=characters come often}

**Flash-a alicorn stallion from Cloud land, with a bolt cutie mark, he is dark yellow with a ginger mane and hazel eyes.[mate: daisy][family:dash and big bill- cousins. Rainbowflash- father. Raincloud- mother. Snowstar- little sister. Sweetie- daughter. Flame- son.]

**Daisy- a Pegasus mare from  Pegton, with a heart cutie mark, she is dark orange with black mane and baby blue eyes. [mate:flash][family: Harold- father. Violet- mother. George- big brother. Sweetie- daughter. Flame- son.]

Gem- a pony filly from Gem castle in Pony Palace, (future cutie mark will be a gem with a crown on it), she is light grey with a whitish-blue mane and cream color eyes.[family: princess Lilly and prince Edward-cousins (parents died when she was 1)]

Dash- a unicorn mare from Maneton, has a seed cutie mark, she is white with light brown spots with a brown mane and dark brown eyes.[mate: Big Bill][family: Flash- cousin. Daisy- cousin I'm law. Sweetie- second cousin. Flame- second cousin.]

Big Bill- a pony stallion from pony peek, has a plow cutie mark, he is dark brown with light brown mane and chocolate color eyes.[mate:dash][family: Flash- cousin in law. Daisy- cousin I'm law. Sweetie- second cousin. Flame- second cousin.]

*Princess Lilly- a alicorn from Pony Palace, has a earth cutie mark, she is white with a mane that is sky blue in the day and Black with little stars at night and has golden eyes.[mate:prince Edward][family: Gem- cousin]

*Prince Edward- a alicorn from Pony Palace, has the Milkyway cutie mark, he is all black with Red eyes.[mate:princess Lilly][family: Gem- cousin in law]

Pat purple- a pony from Maneton, has confetti cutie mark, she is purple with pink mane and blue eyes.

Harold- a pony from lower stall, has a bag if money cutie mark, he is a blond horse with hazel eyes. [mate: past;violet present; no pony][family: Daisy- daughter]

*Violet- a Pegasus mare from upper stall, has a lavender cutie mark, is dark purple with a violet mane and grape purple Eyes.[mate: past; Harold. Present; ????][family: daisy- daughter. Flash- son I'm law. Sweetie- grand filly. Flame- grand colt.]

Rainbowflash- a Pegasus stallion from Cloud land, has a rainbow cutie mark, is white with a rainbow mane and lime green eyes.[mate: raincloud][family: Flash- son. Snowstar- daughter. Daisy- daughter I'm law. Sweetie- grand filly. Flame- grand colt]

Raincloud- a alicorn from Pegton, she has a cloud with a sun behind it cutie mark, is ginger with white mane and black eyes.[mate:Rainbowflash][family: Flash- son. Snowstar- daughter. Daisy- daughter I'm law. Sweetie- grand filly. Flame- grand colt]

George- a small Pegasus stallion from Pegton, has white mane and sky blue mane with dark blue eyes, has a royal shield cutie mark. [family: Daisy-little sister. Violet- mother. Harold-father. Flash- brother I'm law. Sweetie- neace. Flame- nephew]

*Daffodil- a Pegasus filly from Maneton, has a yellow body with green mane and orange eyes. [family: Daisy- mother. Violet- grandma. George- uncle G. Flash- father. Rainbowflash- grand dad. Raincloud- granny peg. Snow star- aunts star. Flame- brother.]

*Flame- a alicorn colt from Maneton. red with a yellow mane and orange eyes. [family: Daisy- mother. Violet- grandma. George- uncle G. Flash- father. Rainbowflash- grand dad. Raincloud- granny peg. Snow star- aunts star. Sweetie- sister.]

DJ-colt- a unicorn from universal coast. Is Neon blue, with baby blue mane and pink eyes(no pony knows as he wears contacts that color her eyes dark blue). Has a DJ table cutie mark.

Doctor Corn- a unicorn from Maneton. Is black with white ears and spots with white mane and Dark brown eyes. His cutie mark is a stethoscope.
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Comments (10)

About Author
on August 08, 2013
Princess_Twilight, I'm up to the 2n book. Hope you enjoy the 1st one
About Author
on August 08, 2013
Cool im gonna read it on my computer. I dont trust my tablet.
About Author
on August 08, 2013
Thanks Cady213. Iv posted the 1st chapter.
About Author
on July 30, 2013
LOVE THE STORY!!! It looks great!
About Author
on July 30, 2013
Thank you. ;3
About Author
on July 30, 2013
I like your username JeyfeatherLover B)
About Author
on July 30, 2013
I LOVE YOUR USERNAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =^>w<^=
About Author
on July 30, 2013
Actually, no, I don't...
About Author
on July 30, 2013
I like your username!
About Author
on July 30, 2013