Copyright LunaVonKarma. This fan club may not be copied, referenced, made fun of, or mimicked in any way. Okay, all people who follow me will know that I am a humongous fan of Doctor Who and there isn't anything on Qfeast where I haven't mentioned it. This page is for fellow Whovians like me who want a fan club made or want Doctor Who to be mentioned more on Qfeast. Enjoy!!!

The new doctor. Thoughts on him?

on November 06, 2014
on August 28, 2014

If I was gay,
I would travel with Matt smith,
Aka the 11th doctor
I would travel with Matt smith,
Aka the 11th doctor

on August 07, 2014
on April 30, 2014

on April 30, 2014

I also have an official Doctor Who fan club on Tumblr- just type into your HTML bar at the top (I know there's a typo, don't judge me) to join!!!
on March 03, 2014


Sorry, I know the last post was really long, but I had to prove a couple of points, and once I start making a point about something, I won't stop until it's done :/
on December 14, 2013
on December 11, 2013

Hey you guys!!!! Did you watch the 50th anniversary????!!!! it was AMAZING although I think that they could have chosen a better actress to play Queen Lizzie (Elizabeth 1). Also I think it would have been even more brilliant if they got Russell.T.Davies to come back and co-write it with Steven Moffat. THAT. WOULD. HAVE. BEEN. AWESOME!!! Also I thought that they didn't show enough of Tom Baker's beautiful face. No, seriously. He's practically my old man crush (apart from George See More Clooney) :3
I think that Russell. T. Davies would have put more of him in there....and made it less confusing. I mean, come on. I don't think there's anyone on this planet that understood that little section with the Doctor and the currator.
I do think that it was good that they featured Peter Capaldi though. I watched him in Torchwood (Children of Earth if anyone's interested in watching it) and I realized that no, people aren't just trying to get us to like him so they can get his mug on a t-shirt, he is actually a really good actor, and I sincerely hope and believe that he will be an amazing doctor. Not as good as Tom Baker or David Tennant, but you get the gist.
Does anyone else agree with these points?? Or am I forever alone in the universe, wandering lonely as a god (yes, pun), never to have been agreed with??
I have a feeling this conversation will last for a while, don't you Doctor? (Doctor: Exactomundo. Me: Don't start that again.)
You're probably wondering why the Doctor knows about the series, right?? Well, he accidentally found me watching it the other day, and it turned into a half-hour chat about what Doctor Who is and why they show him on the telly for everyone to watch without U.N.I.T. and all their guns getting involved. The next couple of days were spent watching back-to-back episodes of the David Tennant series on the sofa with a bottle of Coke and some toffee popcorn. We also watched a few of the Tom Baker and the Christopher Eccleston episodes, but both me and the Doctor have David Tennant as our favourite, me
I think that Russell. T. Davies would have put more of him in there....and made it less confusing. I mean, come on. I don't think there's anyone on this planet that understood that little section with the Doctor and the currator.
I do think that it was good that they featured Peter Capaldi though. I watched him in Torchwood (Children of Earth if anyone's interested in watching it) and I realized that no, people aren't just trying to get us to like him so they can get his mug on a t-shirt, he is actually a really good actor, and I sincerely hope and believe that he will be an amazing doctor. Not as good as Tom Baker or David Tennant, but you get the gist.
Does anyone else agree with these points?? Or am I forever alone in the universe, wandering lonely as a god (yes, pun), never to have been agreed with??
I have a feeling this conversation will last for a while, don't you Doctor? (Doctor: Exactomundo. Me: Don't start that again.)
You're probably wondering why the Doctor knows about the series, right?? Well, he accidentally found me watching it the other day, and it turned into a half-hour chat about what Doctor Who is and why they show him on the telly for everyone to watch without U.N.I.T. and all their guns getting involved. The next couple of days were spent watching back-to-back episodes of the David Tennant series on the sofa with a bottle of Coke and some toffee popcorn. We also watched a few of the Tom Baker and the Christopher Eccleston episodes, but both me and the Doctor have David Tennant as our favourite, me

I had it recorded but my friend had like 1,000 episodes of the dead files so it was deleted before I got 2 it :/
on April 30, 2014

- because he's just brilliant, and the Doctor because he's the one who looks the most like him.
on December 09, 2013
on December 09, 2013

Hey guys check out my story called "So, the Doctor got a chatroom..." XD
on November 06, 2013

On Saturday 26th October I went into town and I saw the St. Johns Ambulance sign that's on the TARDIS. I took a picture on my phone and then went all fangirl and dreamy :3
on October 27, 2013

We need more members! Everyone please do their bit to try and make this page more popular: ask their friends to join, post more stuff up to appear on their wall etc. Thanks to everyone who has already joined this page, the Doctor and I really appreciate it
on October 26, 2013

Yay!! Someone requested membership!!! Everyone say yay!!! (Doctor: YAY!! Me: O_O)
on October 14, 2013

Hey guys! So this is the first headline of the page!!! Hooray!!! So, who else believes in aliens??? All in favour, post aye.
on October 13, 2013