My Little Pony Fanpage
Hi everyone I know some people here on Qfeast like My Little Pony so much I have decided to make a page about them.

Twilight: Aaaaaah!!!
What is it Twilight?
Twilight: I can't find my book and I need it, what do I do?
I'll help you later ok but now I'm trying to announce a winner,
Twilight: Oh, for what?
I did this mini competition, anyways, the winner is XxRainbow_DashxX! Come and claim your prize (which is anything you want)
Rainbow Dash: I won? See More
Yep, congratulations!
Spike: Awww.... I lost.
ChokolatLover: I lost too. Let's go eat some chocolate Spike, I'm sure it'll make us feel better. And congratulation Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Thanks, I never lose :p
What is it Twilight?
Twilight: I can't find my book and I need it, what do I do?
I'll help you later ok but now I'm trying to announce a winner,
Twilight: Oh, for what?
I did this mini competition, anyways, the winner is XxRainbow_DashxX! Come and claim your prize (which is anything you want)
Rainbow Dash: I won? See More
Yep, congratulations!
Spike: Awww.... I lost.
ChokolatLover: I lost too. Let's go eat some chocolate Spike, I'm sure it'll make us feel better. And congratulation Dash.
Rainbow Dash: Thanks, I never lose :p

You didn't really write why they were together but you gave a good explanation saying that scootaloo looks like Fluttershy and Big Macintosh daughter :) which I thought was cool so you won
on September 22, 2013

on September 19, 2013

Nice story. (Where am I. Lol)
on September 19, 2013
on September 18, 2013

I totally forgot to announce the winner *apologizes*. I have been so busy studying. Anyways, and the winner is.........
Spike: Oooh! Ooh! Is it me?
I'm trying to announce the winner Spike
Spike: Ok!
So the winner is.......
Rainbow Dash: Hey Moonlight, what's up? Wanna race?
No Dashie, not now. See More
Rainbow Dash: Too bad, maybe later?
Yeah sure, so the winner is....
Spike: Oooh! Ooh! Is it me?
I'm trying to announce the winner Spike
Spike: Ok!
So the winner is.......
Rainbow Dash: Hey Moonlight, what's up? Wanna race?
No Dashie, not now. See More
Rainbow Dash: Too bad, maybe later?
Yeah sure, so the winner is....
on September 21, 2013
on September 18, 2013

Fluttershy+Big Macintosh= Big Fluttertosh,
Write in the comments below why you think they should be together!
Write in the comments below why you think they should be together!

on September 15, 2013

Because they're shy and they look cute together. They'd make the perfect couple, if only MLP actually did relationships.
on September 05, 2013
on September 05, 2013

I think that Fluttershy and Big Macintosh are perfect for each other! What do u think? Vote yes or no now!
on September 05, 2013