on September 15, 2013

Dear Twilight Sparkle
It's been a long time since we've met and we haven't really talked lately.
I am starting to get worried since I need to learn fast.
Pls contact me when you're free :)
Moonlight Dreamer
It's been a long time since we've met and we haven't really talked lately.
I am starting to get worried since I need to learn fast.
Pls contact me when you're free :)
Moonlight Dreamer
on September 15, 2013
on September 15, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a story to the favorite list

Hurt. (One direction fanfic)
on September 14, 2013

Join an share plz

Girls Club
Lets get together and talk about make-up,
Fashion, Cute boys, exc. join Girls club
on September 08, 2013

Woof? Oh celestia, why is Twilight so clumsy?
on September 07, 2013

hello moonlight!
on September 07, 2013

Moonlight Dreamer you may not know me but i'm Starlock Moon. Wanna join MOP:QiM?
on September 07, 2013

Confirmation emails won't send, so I can't respond to PMs, unfortunately v.v

But I shall move on, as I hope others do as well. Looking to the future is more useful than dwelling on the past.
on September 18, 2013

Well, I'm sure you're aware of the events of my past...the tale of Nightmare Moon..
on September 11, 2013

on September 11, 2013

I greatly appreciate that, Moonlight Dreamer. It's always nice to be loved and appreciated, instead of hated or feared.
on September 11, 2013
on September 07, 2013

No one is answering me or is it an Internet problem?
on September 07, 2013

Spike, take a letter pls. Ok
Dear Princess Celestia
After chatting to a close friend of mine, I read a beautiful story that Apple Jack wrote. Of course, it was only a story but it taught me something.
It taught me that when your friend is getting bullied, you should protect them and stand up to the bully.
Your inspired student
Moonlight Dreamer
Dear Princess Celestia
After chatting to a close friend of mine, I read a beautiful story that Apple Jack wrote. Of course, it was only a story but it taught me something.
It taught me that when your friend is getting bullied, you should protect them and stand up to the bully.
Your inspired student
Moonlight Dreamer
on September 06, 2013

Um... My friend (ChokolatLover) says hi! :)

Tradition? Are you for real? I'll believe it if I see it! Send me a pic of you and daisy in real life, together
on September 07, 2013
on September 06, 2013

So where do you wanna go tomorrow?

on September 06, 2013
on September 06, 2013

on September 06, 2013

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic: Season 4 Animatic Blind Commentary
Just a short look into the upcoming Season 4 of My little pony Friendship is magic, I figured someone will be a jackass and say something anyways its only a ...
on September 06, 2013