How did you even make my cutie mark?

Oh ok! I'll buy one then
on September 06, 2013

My stylus is only $2
on September 06, 2013

Yeah I just got the app and I use my fingers...
on September 06, 2013

And a lot if practice
on September 06, 2013

Well I use a stylus
on September 06, 2013
on September 05, 2013


could you please give me a couple minuits? I want to make a quiz called what background mlp are you...!:)
on September 05, 2013
on September 05, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Seventh Element Of Harmony

Wonderful lesson learned, Moonlight P.O.V
Take a letter Spike,
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I have learned an important lesson about friendship.
I have learned that when a friend needs your help then you should stop to help them. I have also learned that friendship comes before winning.
Your Inspired student
Moonlight Dreamer
"Good work Moonlight! Keep it up!" "Thanks Twilight. Now off to studying." "No, I say we grab a bite with our friends after all, friends are more interesting than a book." I closed one of the books and ... Read Full Chapter
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I have learned an important lesson about friendship.
I have learned that when a friend needs your help then you should stop to help them. I have also learned that friendship comes before winning.
Your Inspired student
Moonlight Dreamer
"Good work Moonlight! Keep it up!" "Thanks Twilight. Now off to studying." "No, I say we grab a bite with our friends after all, friends are more interesting than a book." I closed one of the books and ... Read Full Chapter
on September 05, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Seventh Element Of Harmony

The Race, Moonlight P.O.V
"Are you ready?" Rainbow dash asked. I nodded. My wings were beautiful. Yes, I know, I've replaced Fluttershy and Twilight gave me a pair of wings.
We hurried to the start and waited. "Welcome to Equestria's International Race where two ponies from different towns will race against others and avoid the obstacles. The team that arrives 1st will win wonderful prizes and not only for their town but themselves too! Ok, On your marks! Get set! Go!" I galloped and flew up in the air. I was so sca... Read Full Chapter
We hurried to the start and waited. "Welcome to Equestria's International Race where two ponies from different towns will race against others and avoid the obstacles. The team that arrives 1st will win wonderful prizes and not only for their town but themselves too! Ok, On your marks! Get set! Go!" I galloped and flew up in the air. I was so sca... Read Full Chapter
on September 05, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Seventh Element Of Harmony

Fluttershy gets injured, Moonlight P.O.V
"So first all, not only will you read books and study but you will also meet new ponies. Make friends and live adventures, in order to understand them." Twilight explained. I listened carefully and noted a few things down. "Here are books that I think you should read." Twilight handed me books. "Ok, your studying starts today. You have permission to meet any of your friends or visit Ponyville but don't forget to read a few books." "Ok, but won't you be giving me advice?" "Only when I think yo...
Read Full Chapter
on September 05, 2013

on September 05, 2013

Moonlight_Dreamer added a new chapter to The Seventh Element Of Harmony

Pinkie Pie and the beautiful Rarity, Moonlight P.O.V
Twilight knocked the door and a pink pony with messy hair came out. "Oh! I've never seen you before? Are you new?" "Yes." "Oh! House warming Party!" "Pinkie Pie, not now! I just came here some I could introduce you to Moonlight Dreamer, the seventh element of harm..." "New friend! Yes!" Pinkie pie interrupted. "Pinkie Pie, she's come to Ponyville to learn not party." "Aww!" "That's alright Pinkie Pie, when I'm free, I'll go to your parties. "Yes!" "Pinkie Pie, why are you shouting." I turned ...
Read Full Chapter
on September 05, 2013

Sorry Moonlight_Dreamer, what I did earlier was cruel. All I wanted was to be one of your friends. But I guess that don't work. *Grabs sack and walks away sadly*

What? No, pls don't leave! I forgive you for whatever you have done wrong! Just don't go! Lets be friends! :)
on September 05, 2013
on September 05, 2013

Fluttershy+Big Macintosh= Big Fluttertosh,
Write in the comments below why you think they should be together!
Write in the comments below why you think they should be together!

on September 15, 2013

Because they're shy and they look cute together. They'd make the perfect couple, if only MLP actually did relationships.
on September 05, 2013
on September 05, 2013

I think that Fluttershy and Big Macintosh are perfect for each other! What do u think? Vote yes or no now!
on September 05, 2013

Bye guys, GTG!
on September 05, 2013

Dear Princess Celestia,
Today Rainbow Dash has taught me a true lesson about friendship.
Whenever your friends need you or your help, never leave them!
Your student
Moonlight Dreamer
Today Rainbow Dash has taught me a true lesson about friendship.
Whenever your friends need you or your help, never leave them!
Your student
Moonlight Dreamer
on September 05, 2013


Ok, she need long dark blue hair, a light purple body, cutie mark must be a moon and stars, purple eyes and yeah thank u
on September 05, 2013
on September 05, 2013

hi moonlight! im available any time! (to teach you)
on September 05, 2013

Here is a pic of you that I also drew cause I like you!

Moonlight_Dreamer's Photo
Moonlight_Dreamer's Photo. Displaying photo 1 out of 21. Comment this photo

on September 05, 2013

You're welcome. That's the app I use to do MY art!
My art: http://animedovekat.deviantart.com/
More of my art: http://ask-ivy-and-dove.deviantart.com/
My art: http://animedovekat.deviantart.com/
More of my art: http://ask-ivy-and-dove.deviantart.com/
on September 05, 2013
on September 04, 2013