The flight part 1

Oh. My. Gosh. The day has finally come and we're going to America! I closed my suitcase and my dad helped me carry it down and put it in the car. "It says we have to meet them at the Zurich airport." My dad said. I looked out the window as he drove. My brother was a bit annoyed so he listened to music and watched movies. We arrived at the airport and I got the suitcase out. I rolled it and we took the lift.(or elevator! I don't know what you guys say) We saw a few of my friends waving and hurrying to talk to me. I smiled and hugged them. I'm a hugging monsta! My dad talked to the teacher and she smiled. I can't believe it but we were going to Los Angeles. I've always wanted to go there. Apparently One Direction is performing so my dad bought tickets for my friend and me. But first I needed to invite someone. What about Linda? We checked in and I said bye to my dad. "Have fun!" He said before we left.we boarded the plane and I sat on my seat. Another person sat in the other seat beside me. "Hey." A familiar voice whispered. "Hi. Are you excited?" He nodded. "So you're my plane partner?" I asked. What a silly question! We were flying directly from Zurich so I guess I'll have to stand up if I wanna talk to my friends. "Yeah." "Cool." I put my backpack under the seat and took my IPad out. The plane started driving so I put on my seat belt and listened to the instructions that were explained by the stewardess. After that, the plane stopped and then sped. I love this part! When the plane goes super fast and takes off. And then out of nowhere I sang. "Up up here we go! Where we stop nobody knows! Lets fly!" And the plane took off. Cihan held my hand and I relaxed. After a few minutes in the air, the movie program turned on and I checked the movies out. Ooh! The avengers! That was an awesome movie. I was at the part where Hulk attacks that woman. I forgot her name when someone poked my cheek. I jumped, my heart beating fast and sighed in relief when Cihan softly laughed. "It's only you. What do you want?" "Food." A stewardess came and smiled happily at us. "Chicken or beef?" She asked in a French accent. Of course Cihan didn't understand her since she was talking English. He wasn't really good at English. "Chicken pls." And then whispered in his ear: "Fleisch Oder Hänchen?" "Chicken." I nodded and smiled at the stewardess. Her name was Cindy. "He would also like to have chicken please. Thank you." "Drinks?" "Water and umm... Wait let me ask." "What do you wanna drink?" I asked. "Coke." He whispered, his hot breath fanning my ear. "He'd like a coke." She gave us our food and drinks and moved on. "Thank you." He said, trying to sound English. I laughed at his fail. "Don't worry. I'll teach you English." We slowly ate and then night came. I was tired due to the air conditioner that hurt my eyes. I rested my head on his shoulder and he didn't seem to mind so I fell asleep.
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