if you could be any animal what would you be just say what animal you would be! have fun with it and yeah!
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dolphin or porcupine or meerkat or red panda or sea horse or giraffe
on September 08, 2012
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by the way unicorns where real in the bibles time.it was a one horned ram or goat.
on July 26, 2012
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I would want to be 'almost' all of em. But if I had to chose 1 it would be idk like I said
on June 08, 2014
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Snow leopard. Or a tiger or a jaguar or a panther!

bro yes let the spirit of the cats embrace you and be welcomed into my world!!! <3
on June 16, 2016
on January 20, 2014
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not gonna lie, i would probably be a pilandok, venezuelan poodle moth, markhor, fossa, axolotl or a pangolin
on May 14, 2019
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Is a wizard counted as an animal..?maybe lord voldemort or a thestral!!!foxes are cute..CAN I BE A HOUSE ELF?or maybe a gringotts goblin...A DRAGON!!!!Maybe a hungarian Hornatil..or a norweidgen ridgeback!!dragons are epic!or maybe a cutsie wootsie mini weeni little bittle kitty cat!!!!!
on October 04, 2014
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Fox, Dog, maybe Cat, Probably Derpy from MLP: FIM. WHAT?!! you said ANY animal
on July 12, 2013