Questions Sitemap - Page 46

Questions Sitemap - Page 46. Browse Questions on Qfeast

What character in the Percy Jackson series would you date? Percy for me, obviously, but any character works. (It doesn't matter if it's a god or goddess, or Nico and Will)
who is your favorit character from Beyonders?
Has anyone read the Beyonders series? i have read these and love them, but it seems like no one else has!
what would happen if the black plege came back? would many peaple die?
If you got a strange call from somone offering you a job as a nightguard, would you except? I probably would but it'd be risky.
What do you think about Music and what's your favorite song and who is your favorite singer? What do you think about music & songs ? Which singer you like, Miranda Cosgrove ? kesha? or Britney spears? Or anybody else? And Which song is your favorite? There are 3 parts of my question . ;-)
Which is your favorite anime show and who is fav character of that show? I love pokemon and character called dawn! What's your fav anime & fav character of that show?
What would you do if...? (1) A Human was lying on the side of the road in aggonising pain, unable to be saved dying a slow death
WHat would you do if...? A dog was lying on the side of the road in aggonising pain, unable to be saved dying a slow death
Who is you favorite FNAF character? Freddy Bonnie Chica Foxy Toy Bonnie Toy Freddy Toy Chica Mangle The Puppet Shadow Freddy Shadow Bonnie Nightmare Freddy Nightmare Bonnie Golden Freddy Balloon Boy Chica's Cupcake
Does anyone like transformers? (Not the movie storyline) As said above, not the MOVIE storyline. I'm curious as to how many people on here like the original series and/or comics or some of the new tv shows on it. (No offense, the movies were bleh.)
Warrior cat name ideas? I'm now writing a new story called "Destiny of the Stars", and I need characters and names, please! I NEED HELP WITH THIS! I need: -Warriors -Queens -Kits -Elders Also, if you have a character you want to add: Name: Description and eyes: Rank wanted: Backstory (optional): Also, I need SIlverfire's kits! (silver tabby she-cat with flame-colored eyes) At least two, each person can do at least one Thanks in advance!
how would you get a boy to date you? like boys r cute but what if u have friends with u and they think he is cute then what would u do ?
Uhh... Well... See... I think (no, I know! It's 100%!) I like someone but they aren't... You know... Living...? Has this happened to you?
How do you know if you're in love? I know that this is really broad but I wanna see what people can come up with.
How do you think the apocalypse will happen? When humans eventually die off, what do you think will cause it? An asteroid? Disease? War? Aliens? I think that it will either happen from the sun going supernova, or from a zombie virus. NOTE: By "zombie virus," I mean a virus that causes victims to lose their ability to tell when their stomachs are full, lose their ability to know what animals are OK to eat, lose most muscle strength, lose the ability to understand speech, become "attracted" to eat anything that moves or makes noise, and lose the ability to differentiate between different animals/humans (for instance, they wouldn't be able to tell if a human is a member of their family; it's like having amnesia).
What is the weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? Have you ever experienced a "glitch in the matrix"? If so, what was it? Mine was when I was playing Disney Princess Memory, and I started the game off by flipping over a Cinderella card. Jokingly, I decided to move my hand over the rest of the cards and flip over the one that was the warmest, kind of like with tarot cards. The one I flipped over was the other Cinderella card. There were like 40-50 cards to choose from...
If you could have any type of powers what would they be?
What do you define as a family?
I have swimming classes this Tuesday and I cant seem to learn how to put my head under the water without plugging my nose. Help? Any advice? This is a big reason I cant learn how to swim! I need help ASAP!
How to deal with horseplay as a girl in the future and did I do this right? So today I was at Karate waiting for the clock to say 4:30 so I can start class. While I watch the kids, I see a 12 year old boy Steve (fake names so no identity slips) on top of a 8 or 9 year old boy Hector. I immediately strictly tell Steve to get off of Hector and Hector walks to a chair. He starts crying and I sprint to him and ask if he's ok. He said his ribs hurt and I walked Hector to the water fountain to drink. I told Hector to do 20 push-ups and I tell a great student, Sally to make sure he does them. Hector calms down after water and walks back to the mats. All while my instructors were changing. After class, I tell, and warn Steve not to horseplay like that or there will be way worse consequences than 20 push-ups. Love y'all lots, AwesomeGirl123 PS: Pic for fun.
Percabeth or Perachel? Percy x Annabeth or Percy x Rachel? Also write your reasoning!
How to ask a Japanese Girl out ? I don't want to just ask any girl out okay. I just want to know how to ask a Japanese girl in Japanese Would you like to be my girlfriend or Would you like to go out I know how to ask do you have a boyfriend in Japanese. I just wandering how to ask in Japanese Would you like to be my girlfriend. I don't want to ask any Japanese girl I just want to ask one where she likes me back and I like her and when our eyes click.
do you like My little pony but ur older than 8? I do, and I know its weird. Just wondering, plz don't hate on me! ok, now of course its gonna be hate everywhere in the comment section. just take my scores quiz L8r plz!
does anyone out there think that maybe somewhere in their genetics there is a bit of an animal like a cat or dog or something? I believe I'm part cat, my friend Kylie thinks she is part chinchilla, and I'm certain my friend Jordyn is part monkey. your answer can be anything from an Ili Pica (look it up) to a bloodhound. Heck, it could be a Blob fish! that probably means you just want a hug. ugh, I'm getting of topic. Figure it out on ur own! >:-(
When will I get my first period? (8) I am 12 years old. I am turning 13 Really soon. I have size 34A boobs. I think I have had cramps before. I like guys. I have pimples. I started puberty at 10. I have full on pubic hair. I have little tiny black dots for armpit hair. Got sit 2 months ago. I am 5. Foot 1. I maybe have grown an inch this past year. Have discharge EVERY DAY. Im 86 pounds. My mom got it WAY younger than me. I have had spottings before. I have entered puberty. Why don't I have it? When will I get it? Is there something wrong with me? HELP?!
How Do You Feel About School? Honestly everyone has their own opinion of how they feel about certain in the world. I just want to know how my fellow people feel about school. List comments below ^_^
How do I get more followers?
Should animals get punished for people's stupidity? About the kid and all the other people falling into the animal cages and them getting hurt, there's safety railings for a reason!
Who is your favorite Creepypasta character? It can be as many as you like if you have more then one.
How do you feel about fnaf sister location? Is Mangle a boy? Who is the girl with the pig tails? Fun time Foxy.? What do you think about the new game? Why is the bear holding a puppet of toy bonnie? Why does the ballerina have sharp teeth? Is that freddy in pink and white? Sister location?
What's the funniest horror movie? Oh come on, some of 'em are just plain pathetic and/or funny. List some here!
How to make a profile pic on qfeast? I know most people are gonna say ho to my wall and that's it but what do I do on my wall (I tried clicking on the the man)
What was the first Anime you watched?
What is the bloodiest anime you've watched? because im bored...
What 10 words are Donald Trump?
Who are your fictional and irl senpais? My senpais are Nepeta Shadow Mike Eridan Sebastian My bff irl And Hollyleaf
What is your favorite Disney movie?
What is your favorite kind of link? toon, grown up, kid, idk what I'm doing anyways...
What do YOU consider to be a Mary Sue/Gary Stu? I want to know what your definition of a Mary Sue is.Theres always a deeper meaning to something,even a Mary Sue(& Gary Stu). (Lila particularly tried to be a Mary Sue in a way.Cant say I hate her though.)
What/Who Don't You Like On Qfeast? Somewhat self-explaintory.
I still always feel depressed. I don't know what to do! Please help! I still always feel depressed. I still have constant thoughts of hurting or killing myself. I think it's time to tell one of my closest friends that I trust with my life about it, but I don't know exactly how to tell her. I want it to be completely private, and I don't want anyone else to know. (Which throws texting out because my parents could see) The only class I have with her is band, and I see her at Girl Scouts (of course with a bunch of other girls). I also worry that she could treat me differently or think it's weird at first. I don't know what to do or how to tell her! Please help!
Who do you think would become the next US president ?
What is the most interesting scientific theory/experiment/project/etc. that you've ever heard? Mine is cryogenics. For those of you who don't know, cryogenic sleep is when a human steps inside a tank, which is then filled with liquid; the human is "frozen," and they stay that way until they can get thawed out. Another scientific project-thing I find intriguing is Mars1. That's an experimental mission that NASA has planned for the future in which a set of humans go to Mars and colonize it. Research "terraforming Mars"; it's really cool.
what type of characteristics have ya got from your parents?that are the worst Tell about the worst characteristics you got form your parent?
How do you like to get rid of stinkbugs? If you see a stinkbug, how do you typically dispose of it? Do you flush it down the toilet, take it outside, or catch it in a trap? Please be specific.
What do people consider you? Sporty, weird, nerd? I don't care...
How Do You Get It So People Can't Comment On Your Post? How can you make it so people can't reply to your post or photo?
How many crushes do you have? Pretty explanatory... But WHATEVER
what's your sleeping style? Do you sleep with your face out or in the blanket? /with a teddy? /arm in or out of blanket? ETC
why did you join Qfeast?
Why are negative numbers used? Just wanna know. I thought we could say "Below Zero" instead...
what do you think of school violence? I'm doing another assignment for school, so can you please tell me what you think of school Violence?
One word to describe Qfeast
Can someone explain to me why I should try Homestuck? I need a new fandom and something new and I hear that Homestuck is good. The fact is that I tried it but five seconds into it I lost interest. The shows and fandoms I like have feels, interesting plots, and a twist of events. Can you tell me if I would be interested in Homestuck and why?
What is your favorite emoji? (1) Pretty Explainable...
Any answers to when attack on titan season 2 coming out?
What's your favourite McDonald's Breakfast food?
Hi I just joined Qfeast, anything I need to know ?
what is your favorite weapon in call of duty world at war?
hello guys can you tell me a place which is worth going for a holiday. Hello i really want public opinions for which place should i visit for a holiday. Please tell me. Plz ?
Do u like umbreons? I luv em, and no1 has told me if they like umbreons. Look at this pic if u don't know what an umbreon is. This is a shiny umbreon, an umbreon has yellow rings.
What are your thoughts on love? I find love to very weird but cute at the same time. What are your thoughts on it?
What is your favorite Pokemon game? A game, any one, but it has to be a game...
Think of this bears name What do you think the name should be (BTW it's a girl)
Does he like me? (10) Okay so I'm in middle school and I kinda like this guy, we'll call him B. We've been friends since we were like, 3, and our parents are really good friends. Last year I had a crush on him, but my friend told him that I liked him. He said he didn't like me. Near the end of the year, we became friends again. A couple of months ago, I got a new crush and I really liked him. We'll call him L. Anyway, L had a "girlfriend" but it was a really big crush. B likes another girl in our class (we'll call her C) and she likes him too. B and I are really good friends though. Anyway, B and I recently (like a few days ago) made up a joke between us. A couple of weeks ago, this kid in the grade below us asked him who he liked and he said me (not for real i don't think). So he told me this the other day and told me this kid, we'll call him T, was going to ask me if I liked B. Complicated part. T sent L to ask me if I liked B. I told him yes and I don't know if L knows it's fake or not. Anyway, so B and U were in the hallway and T was walking by. We were trying to make T think we liked each other, so B said, "Love ya bae." For the last, say, week, we've been calling each other 'bae' in normal conversation. Like, I give him something, he says, "Thanks bae." Or I ask him a question like, "Hey bae, do you know..." This has been going on for about a week. I think a bunch of girls in my class are jealous because they like him but I don't really care. He plays soccer and he's cute, a couple inches shorter than me with blonde hair and blue eyes. I mean, A LOT of girls like him. The problem is, now that we're doing this, I realized I kinda like him again. I mean, this is one of the guys I've never lost feelings for. I don't know if he just likes me as a friend or if he actually likes me. PLEASE RESPOND I NEED HELP
Can you give some advice? I always feel like I'm eating too much, and I don't feel like admiting it. I can eat about two small bags of popcorn and a huge bowl of cereal in just one hour! I feel like I can't help it, and everyone tells me to eat less, but I feel like I can't! I got a test a while back which said nothing was wrong, but I still can't help it! I also hate exercise and I can barely run for half a field. I feel like I might be a little fat, and I'm worried! Is there any advice or anything I can do to stop this?
One word to describe Nyan cat Just give me one word to describe Nyan cat. One word. And one word only.
What is your dream? Write what you wish would happen, what you want to be,ect. Be as creative as you want!
what mythical creature is your favorite ? Pet, or person
I am moving to a new school, I will be in middle school, this is my first time moving school. Please help me have some advice! Can anyone help me with advice or tips on how to survive :'(
If it would be possible to swap body with an animal, wich animal would you swap body with? I would swap body with a cat cause they're cute, curious and acrobatic. If they fall they can survive the fall by reflexes. They also said to have 9 lives ^^
What do you think is the most valued part of U.S. History?
What is worth then death?
What do you wish you didn't know?
What is something you pretend you know but really don't? For me, its how the world works.
What is one fear you know is holding you back? I believe mine is lacking self confidence.
Are things out of reach? Or have we just not reached hard enough for them yet?
If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make them?
Whats the Difference Between Living and Existing?
Who is the evilest cartoon villain? Who do you think is the evilest cartoon villain? (My opinion is in the comments. :3)
Who would you want to be with in a X reader? Tis is the title, answer below, but if someone has already put that person just thumb up/ like/ whatever it's called their post ^.^ okie, byez
If you where stranded on an island for 2 weeks with only one source of food what would it be? Have you ever wondered about how people survived WWII? Or how people survive (in movies) the apocalypse? Well, they don't all! Starvation and disease often spread quickly and kills!
Do you have any cartoon or anime recommendations? I need a new cartoon or anime to watch. Any suggestions?
What is your favorite LoZ character? Meh, Link, Zelda, Navi, Epona, or someone else from any other game I don't care.
Who is your favorite FNaF animatronic? It can be from any Five Night's at Freddy's game.
What animal do you think fits me to your perspective? I see others doing the same question, but I am quite curious to see what your perspectives on this subject may be.
how do you do a page? so I'm basically new to this since I have not played in along time I still trying to figure how to do stuff on qfeast so plz help me!
Do you think women should have to be enrolled in the draft? After women were given the ability to hold ranks that men have in war in the US, people believe that women should suffer the conquences as well. What is your opinion?
Can I fix this? I hate my life. I'm not trying to be an attention hog, but I literally hate my life. My parents are constantly torturing me, school is always a struggle, my favorite show is over, I moved five months ago, and I feel upset and sad whenever I'm at home. My dad constantly tells me, "The world doesn't revolve around you." I always think: It NEVER does. I feel completely depressed, and I don't even think my friends know. I can always manage to smile at school and talk about things that I like, but I don't think my parents care about ANY of my feelings. School is always stressful because I get loads of homework and forget to do it. I was getting all A's but now my grades are slipping. THE ONLY THING I FEEL HAPPY ABOUT IS MY FAVORITE TV SHOWS! I've even thought about killing myself or hurting myself. The only thing that stops me is either my friends, the pain of doing it, and about my future. Is there any way I can get through this?!
Are you obbessed with the hit list music? Are you obbessed with the good music by Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Justin Bieber, Drake, Jason Derulo, Pitbull, and other good people who sing good music?
Any fandoms I should try? Any?
Anyone know a Japanese boy name that ends with -ha? I need specific name like this cause I'm writing something and I can't find any Japanese boy names that end with -ha.I really need help.
Is this 8 or Infinity? Is it 8? Is it Infinity? It looks like Infinity, but it could be 8, look and plz answer.
who is your senpia ? l?l?l?
what fictional person would you like a president ? and why ?
Do you have an enemy? If so, what is he/she like?
What are some quizzes/stroies/ect. that have made you cringe or upset? I can think of a few but I can't remember their names.
What would you do if your BFF told you she was 'different'? Okay, I have been keeping this in but I thought that you all (my friends on Qfeast) should know! ... I am bisexual! Please don't judge me! I am trying to come out to parents...
What is your favorite song? (3) What's your favorite artist ? What's your favorite genre of music ? Why do you like music ? Is it calming or soothing?