what do you think of school violence? I'm doing another assignment for school, so can you please tell me what you think of school Violence?

what do you think of school violence? I'm doing another assignment for school, so can you please tell me what you think of school Violence?

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Bullying is the thing that makes me SICK. Others, too. I was a victim and some kid jumped on my back and hit me, I told the teacher and she did nothing, told the principal, she did nothing either. When I finally told my dad, he had a talk to the principal and it got solved. If you're being bullied, tell the teacher if it's a little, principal if it's serious, THEN get your parents when it gets to the point that you have bruises, your parents want to protect you, so let them. If See More
on May 24, 2016
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I was a victim of bullying at my previous school. I suffered for 5 years, and the teachers did nothing there except tell me to toughen up and fight back. It was horrible, and every day I came home wanting to cry. It shouldn't be accepted, in my opinion. Stuff like this is what we're judged on, and it just isn't right.
on May 24, 2016
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Bullying is HORRIBLE who ever bullies people should burn in hell (I’m going a little too far but its the truth I’ve been bullied since 3rd grade and its very sad and heartbreaking but one day I snapped and beat the poop out of the bullies and I think i scared them cause they left me and my friends alone but i was still broken from what they did to me ( called names beat me up)
on October 09, 2020
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