Can someone explain to me why I should try Homestuck? I need a new fandom and something new and I hear that Homestuck is good. The fact is that I tried it but five seconds into it I lost interest. The shows and fandoms I like have feels, interesting plots, and a twist of events. Can you tell me if I would be interested in Homestuck and why?
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You just read a few pages, after about act 2 the death plot twists and feels come in a giant tsunami
on October 20, 2017
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It has rememberable and relatable characters, a great story, and its a great way to keep yourself occupied when you're bored.
Its one of those stories that doesn't get good until the 3rd chapter, in this case: Act, but its still good. Its confusing, but worth reading.
Its one of those stories that doesn't get good until the 3rd chapter, in this case: Act, but its still good. Its confusing, but worth reading.
on May 24, 2016