DipperPinesShades's Questions
DipperPinesShades asked 84 questions
Advice? (Please?) I dunno where else to really ask for advice on this, so...here I am. ...

Medical Stuff (Bites and stuff) Okay so i’m gonna type this quick because I already typ...

Medical Advice about nausea? So for a while (especially after I possibly caught the flu...
What did I do to my ankle? Alright, this is more of “what’s wrong with my ankle?” but w...

Advice and stuff, yo (Gf/bf stuff) Alright, so... I just recently turned fifteen and I’...
Anyone have Amino? I have a Holiday Bash amino and I'm trying to get attention for it.

Is this a normal feeling?/Relationship Advice So uh, I feel kinda down. I'm going into ...

I'm starting to feel really depressed and I don't know what to do. So, I'm just startin...
I think I like someone, but I don't know what to do... So there's this girl that I thin...

Ever have a crush on someone who is on the internet, a TV show, movie, book, etc.? If s...

What do I do in this situation? Okay, so I am about to be fourteen. I know everyone is ...

Any idea for things to do on a road trip? I'm going to be going on a day long road trip...

Is there a free way to find my ancestry? I really want to know who my ancestors are, bu...

How to get skinnier? I feel like I'm fat and I really want to be skinner. I have a huge...

What kind of bug bit me? So, a couple days ago I had a small white bump in the area. I ...

My lips are super chappy! Do you know any way to make them better faster? I've been hav...

I can't get on my Twitter account. What can I do? I don't know what happened or what to...

Any new username ideas? I just want a new username. Any new ideas that would fit me?

Any kind of funny speech to text programs out there?