What kind of bug bit me? So, a couple days ago I had a small white bump in the area. I felt nothing nor did I see anything. Then, about a day later, it swelled into a huge, red lump. It's really only itchy, but other than that I feel no pain unless I press something against it. It's been red and swollen for about two days now, and looks like a giant mosquito bite. Any idea if a bug bit me? If so, what kind?
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As others have said, it could be a spider bite, or mosquito bite. Though the bite cannot be completely determined, there are other more...horrid things it could be. If it stays, and you feel odd things from it, wiggling for example, you will need to see an adult soon. Though that is unlikely, and as many have said, it is most likely a mosquito, or jumping spider bite.
on October 14, 2016
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Well if it spreads and becomes rashy then its shingles if it stays the same it'll be mosquito bite or spider bite. Just put pure lavender oil on it if it's itchy. Lol I get it like all the time
on October 14, 2016