Is this a normal feeling?/Relationship Advice So uh, I feel kinda down. I'm going into high school this year, and I guess I feel kinda lonely. I see all these other girls and guys in relationships and I've never had a boyfriend or girlfriend in my life! I had one crush irl (got rejected and she has a boyfriend now). I've been feeling this way for around two years. It's an odd feeling, like, kind of loneliness. I want to be in a relationship, I feel desperate. Like, I don't think it's peer pressure. I think it's more of I want to experience a relationship and be in one and have someone who loves me more than anything. I feel empty. School's (luckily) starting up soon and maybe there's a chance? But I don't know anything about relationships, and I don't want to seem desperate (or a sl-t), but I just feel empty. Any advice?
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I have that same feeling a lot. The only advice I can give you is try to stay busy so you don't think about it....sorry I don't have better advice but I also stuggling with this feeling
on August 15, 2017
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get to know somebody and if you start developing feelings, go for it! nobody will think you're a slut unless you're hoping from person to person
on August 16, 2017
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Maybe I shouldn't be the person to give advice for something like relationships, but here goes. I think that you should get to know someone. Make sure that they're not a jerk, and that you enjoy being around them. Most likely, they will enjoy your company, too. Then, when you're ready, ask them out on a date or something. If it goes well, then continue doing this until you're in a relationship. If it doesn't go well, then hope you can still be friends, and try someone else. So...just See More take it slow and easy, I guess? Good luck.
on August 15, 2017