Questions Sitemap - Page 95

Questions Sitemap - Page 95. Browse Questions on Qfeast

Who here loves Converse? So who here loves converse? I sure do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is justin bieber illuminati
which is your fav 1D boy i wanna know,mine is Harry which one is yours
which is better,a iphone,or a dsi? i want both but my mom said i can only get 1 for Christmas so which one should I get?
how can i get my crush to like me i like a guy but how can i get him to like i just wanna see your guys' opinion
How do you feel about the Sandy Hook Massacre? how could someone be so horrible to look at a trembling screaming child in the face annd still pull the trigger.... :*(
What are your thoughts on the Sandy Hook Massacre? As you may have heard, there was a horrible school shooting in CT, killing so many young children who won't get to see Christmas !baww!
i have a 3mm 1mm neodymium magnet toy magnet how much pull would it have if it was accelerattd by electriciitti i have a 3mm 1mm neodymium magnet toy magnet how much pull would it have if it was accelerattd by electriciitti
do you play video games? and what is you fav? i like lots of video games, i dont really have a fav but i like black opps 2 because i like killing my brother on a game not real life! lol
how do you change your picture im sorry to say but im going crazy every time im on the computer i try to but it not working so please help me !!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever fallen in love ? Just want to know. :D
Whats the best music you have ever heard? Just want to know..
Would you date a guy thats 5 years older than you? Cuz im just wondering :D
what is a butt head say to a noob?
pick one xbox360 or ps3? whitch one do you like? and witch one do you have? i have a ps3! and i play black opps and black opps2 and mw3 and killzone3 botzone but im not vary good:( so far my high score is 44 kills
How did you find about qfeast and why did you join it? i found out by taping quizs and i found this websit and i had to sign up to see what i got on a quiz!
Whats your fav part of chistmas??? i have no idea whats mine, maybe its when i open gifts!! whatever im asking this qustin for you to answer!
Top 10 Christmas sings What are your top 10? plz include artists: Mine: happy Xmas (war is over) John and yoko, I wish it could be Christmas every day Wizzard, do they know it's Christmas? (feed the world) band aid, have yourself a merry little Christmas bing Crosby, the christmas song (chestnuts roasting on an open fire), merry Christmas everyone shakin Stevens, silent night al green, when a child is born Harry belafonte, a winter's tale David Essex, silver bells crystal gayle, merry Xmas everybody slave I know I have 11...could you just include 10? Thanks!
Do you believe in Santa Claus?
Do you have a animal question??? I have a dog,cat, and 2 rabbits. I love horses and I ride:-) I <3 Horses I <3 Animals. If you have any animal questions please feel free to ask me. Or if you need help training an animal mainly dogs- possibly horses depending on the task. - Ive trained my dog to shake and jump through and over jumps:) I've researched training horses and seen it done as well as helping to train a horse:)
can someone really look like this, cuz apparently he can.... this man is my hero, i freaking love him....
what will happen if you stick your finger in a light socette, will your hair look like that dudes on ancient aliens? that dudes hair is like never brushed, im pretty sure if you tried you'd break the brush.
Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, or Hunger Games?? which one.....
could I be pregnant with a progesterone level of 150? my fiance and I have been trying, even going to a specialist, docs thought I was pregnant, full work up w/ ultra sounds next tuesday but I need to know.
Is a simple HP laptop able to handle game commentaries? I wanto to start making my own game commentaries but I'm a bit of a noob so, can someone please tell me if a HP laptop is enough to do a game commentary? Just voice over, no face cam and will it be able to use a capture card? Thank you in advance :)
Are you agianst animal abuse??? Its super super sad when i hear a story on the news about animal abuse! Answer if you agree that it is disturbing and horrible!
Does any one have Ideas for a Christmas song??? I promised my friend I would make her a Christmas song. But it cant be about christmas trees and presents. It has to be like Jesus's Birthday type thing.
which blue nose friend should i get out of: bengal quiver and alpine? i want a new bnf and i have chosen these three but i can only have one! Which one should I get????
Who do you think is thw prettiest in Fortune Arterial? Kuze,Erika,Shiro,Haruna,or Kanade? Just asking cause i want othe peoples opinion because a lot of the characters in Fortune Arterial are pretty.
what is the secret of the universe/ time continum, and the under ground weasels? if you can figure out what this means you will blow my mind. i dont even know what it means and i made it.
How to Find True North Without a Compass? The biggest compilation! I want to make a compilation of all possible methods to find the North. I know that there are plenty ways to do it, but not all of them will work in any condition, so please take into consideration every aspect where your method will work as expected: with or without sun, light, geographical position and so on
what are diffrent types of cancer in the world?? Name diffrent types of cancer.
What colour are your eyes? My eyes are really strange colour and everybody says I'm weird because of them. What colour are your eyes?
sculptures statues and do any body know what thay are how old and is there any value my mother left them and i remember she bought them about 40 years ago
Who Is Your Favourite Hunger Games character? Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, Gale Hawthorne, Primrose Everdeen, Rue, Thresh, Cato, Clove, Glimmer, Marvel, Foxface, Finnick Odair, Caeser Flickerman, President Snow, Haymitch Abernathy or Effie Trinket ?? :)
if you stayed in a jungle for 2weeks what would be your worst fear?
why is japan looking to move away from using nuclear power? (1) japan is moving away from nuclear power why is it dangerous :)
why is japan looking to move away from using nuclear power? japan is moving away from nuclear power why is it dangerous :)
who do u think is better one direction or olly murs?
who is your favourite boy out of one direction harry, louis, niall, zayn, liam?
what movie do u think is better twilight or harry potter?
Why do months have different number of days? Some months have 28 days, some 29 and so on to a maximum 31 days per month.
Health Question: Does This Happen To You Too? I call them dizzy spells, but I don't know what they actually are... My eyesight gets all boxed out, like on reality TV when they are covering up somebody's face, they cover it up with those white, grey and black boxes. It sarts at the corners of my vision and sometimes its a few seconds, others take a bit, where I just hold my desk or chair till it passes after like 15 seconds. That doesn't seem long, but it is when your vision is messed up. I've never had any head injury, it doesn't just happen when I "get up too fast" , I have glasses, so it's not that my eyesight is just bad. My mom says that it's normal, but I don't know if she knows what I am talking about. I haven't had them my whole life, it randomly started a few years ago.. Do you guys have these too?? They don't always "blind" me, I was just wondering. I don't think it is a *doctor* concern...
do you think this is funny?? do you tink this is funny? yes or no??
How do I get my cat to stop biting my iPod? My cat keeps biting my iPod and I was wondering if there was something I could do.
Urrgent!!!! Please help xx :') Well this for my friend and she wants to go out with this boy who went out with her for like a day because apperntley she bribed him on facebook. This would be extremley helpfull if you could answer :') !!!!
When is the GTA 5 Release Date? Is it possible to preorder GTA 5 now?
What Albert Einstein died from? I know he died in 50's, but I would like to know more details about it.
Is 12:00 AM the same as 00.00 in 24h format? Please, is really so confusing for me now. Maybe someone can enlighten me about this!
if world war 3 broke out would i called up for national service although i was discharged in 2008 for failing a drug test
How do i become a girly boy in school???? this means clothes makeup i could wear. jewellery personality writing talking everything i need plz help thanks <3
What do you think of the Twilight Saga? Do you love it? Do you think it's a messed up series? Do you hate it? Just wondering:)
some natural resources that are harvested in new york include
Why haven't we been to the moon in more than 40 years? We’ve overcome so many technological problems, we have more powerfoul computers, engines, we have now buildings taller than 800 meters, hundreds of satelites orbiting the Earth, but the human didn't fly farther more than few kilometers from Earth surface since sixties!
Can the most powerful telescope on Earth see the flag on the Moon?
Why is the moon bright at night? i wonder why
Have you ever heard of the band Twelve24? I went to a Twelve24 concert Friday night and was wondering if you heard of them.
Create Hunger Games Characters!! I will make a simulation Hunger Games story, but you create the characters!! Make up some tributes, prep team, game makers, and family/friends for me to use, use the following. Please be creative and realistic. DO NOT BASE THESE OFF OF THE BOOKS, i will not use them, or i will change them, thanks! Name: Age: Gender: District: Appearance: Personality: Strengths: Weaknesses: Greatest Fear: Weapon of Choice: Weapon of Horror: Favorite Color: Does he/she have a sense of humor?: Lefty, Righty, or Ambidextrous?: Token (ex: a hair pin from best friend): History: Family: Private Training Session with Gamemakers: Interview Angle: Cornucopia Strategy: Battle Strategy: Reaped/Volunteered: Allies (yes or no): Prefered typle of Arena: Do they have a sickness that may harm themselves? (paranoia, frequent dizzy spells, seizures, etc)
Who Is This Celebrity? who is this strange gentelman hugging a tree?
How many followers is considered alot?? I mean, I know 100, 75, 50 are all alot, but what # crosses the line from normal to alot??
Why do we need daylight savings time? I know we change out clocks every spring and fall but do we need to? I mean what if we don't? What'll happen?
I really like my ex-boyfriend now!What should i do? as i said before what should i do i like my boyfriend but now my ex is so imposiibly cute!OH WOW!tell me what to do
why is dr sues called dr sues if he dosent have a Ph.D?
new web site host changed my existing website without my permission when i objected they took it off line . can they do this?
Have you ENCOUNTERED Herobrine??? Have you???? I sure have, pyramids, bare trees, redstone torches, shadowy figure in the fog!
What Would Be A Cool Informative/Persuasive Speech? I am doing speech this year and I'm wanting ideas on what to do an informative/persuasive speech on... got any ideas? like any of the following the best? help me out!! these are ones I have found and liked so far: 1. Ten fun things to do during exams. 2. 10 ways to order pizzas. 3. Funny facts about women/ or men. 4. What women really say when they talk to men. 5. 10 ways to irritate a telemarketer. 6. 10 ways to freak out your roommate. 7. How to make a snow globe 8. What Winners do to Win? 9. Tips for buying gifts everybody want. 10. How to Lose the Guy of your Dreams 11. What to do on a desert island. 12. What to write in a message in a bottle if you're trapped on an island. 13. Things to do in a traffic jam. 14. how to drive the baby-sitter crazy i like these ones alot "how to order pizzas and drive/irritate/freak out other people"
What should I do? Please comment!! So my dog, Roxy was abused when she was a puppy so she hates people she doesnt know and she hates men (probably because the person who abused her was a man) she also hates people when their wearing hats. (probably because the person who abused her liked wearing hats) My mom is thinking of giving her away and getting a minature poodle should i convince her to help me train Roxy? or should i not do anything? PLEASE GIVE ME ADVICE!!!!!
what is coquelicot in inglish? just seeing if you guys know!
1 to 12 how much do you like the hunger games? how mach do you like the hunger games? tell me. 1 to 12!!!
What do you do if you sit beside the guy you like and you want to tell him how you feel but your just to shy to tell him the tr
Is there anyway to get your period faster and get bigger breasts faster? I am so self consious because I have barely developed. Please only answer if you know the answer. Don't just say there is no way. Be truthfull. I have made a period kit and I have got 4 bras size 12aa or 10a. They do properly fit. Thanks, ME!! xxo
what dog is this? part 5 what breed of beautiful is this?
what dog is this? part 4 this is so cute so guess away
Happy Halloween!:) One of my favorite holidays! What were you? Halloween is one of my favorite holidays! What about you? What were you for Halloween? Happy Halloween!:) P.S. I made a random category 'cause didn't know which one to put it in!:)
how do you change your photo? i need help! SOS!
What are the similarities and differences of percentages and decimals? I want to cuz of a math project. Please help me :)
who else has read 1984 by George Orwell? Just wondering, i thought the beginning was terribly confusing, first 100 pages or so boring, then it got REALLY good and by the last 30 pages i was like OH MY GOODNESS!! (the pic is actually the cover of the version i read)
who else has read Oedipus The King, by Sophacles? Just wondering what you thought of it, I didn't think it was a hard read, i thought the plot was interesting... just the incest part was awkward :)
What is your least favorite subject Mine is math just sayin
What To Get Amazing Guy Friend For Christmas?? He loves: Hunting, cartoons, video games (COD Halo) He dislikes: Drawing, Running, Sports He isn't rich, emo, or stupid. In the past I've gotten him a gaming headset, camouflaged hunting mask, etc... What do you think of hunting gloves?? But by Christmas, most of the winter and hunting seasons will be over :/ help!! PS he will never give me hints or ask for anything PPSS i don't have much money at all :/
Do people who happen to be blind turn off and on lights in rooms? Do they do it out of habit because people with them in rooms turn off and on lights, or do they not? And I don't say blind, deaf, or cancerous people. I say people who happen to be blind, deafness, or have cancer, because they are a person, and should not be judged by and adjective that doesn't describe them.
Do you love Pewdiepie and if you do why? I love Pewdie because he is SUPER funny and always makes me smile. Why do you like him? Just comment something short, I wont mind! I hope you can reply, if not, OK! :)
Who's going trick or treating on Halloween? Is anyone going trick or treating? What are you guys dressing up as? Is anyone having an epic rave party? Is anyone being boring and locking themselves in a box until November? I'm going trick or treating with my bros around the big estate just off where I live and I'm dressing up as Poison Ivy from Batman. God, I have no idea what catagory to put it under so put up with it being really random. Oh, and does anyone like my new avatar? Just wondering since I've already confused one person with it XD You know who you are... :D
Who is the best one direction guy? Harry Styles(dibs!) Zayn Malik Loius Tomilson Liam Payne Niall Horan Please answer
what dog is this? part 3 do you know this little puppy?
what dog is this? part 2 do you know this really rare dog?
what dog is this? part 1 do you know rare and common breeds?
how old wr u wen u had yr 1 boyfriend?? i was 10
What tricks can I teach my dog? I was just wondering because he is a small dog (schnoodle) and he does not have the intellegence to to specific tricks that bigger and intelligent dogs would be able to do.
explain why minors should not be given services without informed or signed parental or gaurdians consent?
Do you have a cool birthday?? Like the month and day are the same #, same b-day as ur mom, on some famous holiday, or something wierd like that... Like March 3rd (3/3), or January 23rd (1/23) August 8th (8/8) or December 25 (christmas) ... just wondering!
Do You Think Pluto Is A Planet Some People Say It Is A Dwarf Planet And I Am Begining To Agree. I Just Wan't Your Opinion
Can people really "Smell fear?" It is said almost all the time.
We have been feeding my cat only dry food for the past month. Is that ok? My cat is 7 months and weighs 3.2kg. he is a tabby cat
How many times do you get onto Qfeast?? ...pretty self explanatory
Does anybody on ehere have a college degree? ...just wondering, community college, junior college, 4 year, i don't care...
What are you going as for Halloween?
Dark Chocolate, Milk Chocolate or White Chocolate? Hey GUYZ!!! What ndo u like better? dark chocolate, milk chocolate or white chocolate? Well thhats it byeza! ps I know byeza is Not a word.
What's your favorite music genre? Alternative Rock, Country, Indie Music, Rap, Rock, or Pop? Alternative Rock- Green Day, Snow Patrol Country- Toby Kieth, Tim McGraw, Martina McBride -etc. Indie Music- sorry no clue Rap- Eminem, SnoopDog, Dr. Dre Rock- I don't really know the bands, but this includes the rock from 70's-now Pop- Lady Gaga, Fun, Ne-Yo, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber