How do I get my cat to stop biting my iPod? My cat keeps biting my iPod and I was wondering if there was something I could do.
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I would put something gross on your ipod-vaseline, vinegar, chapstick, something your cat doesn't like, or maybe pickle juice so when your cat bites it-EWW!! and it will eventually stop! *tip only put it on the corners so that your ipod doesn't get to wet or sticky :)* hope this helps with your hungry cat!! haha


Yep thats the solution
on June 24, 2014
on March 13, 2013
on December 09, 2012
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Run towards it, when I do that to my cats it usually makes them run of or say bad cat B)
on August 31, 2013
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Spray catnip on something you hate or need to get rid of- then it'll be more attracted to that lol :)
on July 19, 2013
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O easy you have about 3 options : Put it in a case and not worry about it -when your cat goes over to it (to bite your ipod) remove him and put him in a (TIME OUT) Or you can spray him with luke warm water ( cold can make them sick and is cruel) . GOOD LUCK
on December 08, 2012
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heres wat i do... buy a sqirt gun and use the cat 4 target practice!!!!!
on November 16, 2012
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Plan A: put it in the highest place in the house like the fridge or a very high shelf. Plan B: find a expert cat trainer, or train your cat by yourself. Plan C: buy some toys for your cat at petsmart. If you got drawers put your ipod there!
on November 24, 2012