What Would Be A Cool Informative/Persuasive Speech? I am doing speech this year and I'm wanting ideas on what to do an informative/persuasive speech on... got any ideas? like any of the following the best? help me out!! these are ones I have found and liked so far: 1. Ten fun things to do during exams. 2. 10 ways to order pizzas. 3. Funny facts about women/ or men. 4. What women really say when they talk to men. 5. 10 ways to irritate a telemarketer. 6. 10 ways to freak out your roommate. 7. How to make a snow globe 8. What Winners do to Win? 9. Tips for buying gifts everybody want. 10. How to Lose the Guy of your Dreams 11. What to do on a desert island. 12. What to write in a message in a bottle if you're trapped on an island. 13. Things to do in a traffic jam. 14. how to drive the baby-sitter crazy i like these ones alot "how to order pizzas and drive/irritate/freak out other people"
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thanks, I think me and a friend think that a good one for me would be a "what is beauty" mixed with "how magazines edit models"
on November 10, 2012