how old wr u wen u had yr 1 boyfriend?? i was 10
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UGH. It annoys me soo much people spell like that! :/ Correction : "How old were you when you had your first boyfriend?" I'm just curious... Do you spell like that in school? One more thing, You dated at 10 years old? Dating too young can corrupt your life. If you get married too early you could have to spend most of your time caring for a child and won't be able to go to collage and get a successful job.

Old comment, I know, but seriously. Spelling does not matter on the Internet. We are not being watched by grammer teachers. We are not going to fail our exams by spelling badly over the Internet.

on September 06, 2019
on September 06, 2019

It's not like your actually going to love them for the rest of your life either :/

I agree the age of 10 is too young. Although loving someone for the rest of your life isn't the only reason to date someone. The more people you date the more knowledge you have about dating and relationships and how to keep a relationship moving and how to tell if it's an unhealthy relationship.
on October 30, 2016
on June 25, 2014

Yeah, and this is what leads to teenage pregnancies!!!

on October 30, 2016
on July 06, 2013
on October 19, 2012
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I've never had a boyfriend, and I don't need one. As I always say; "I'm my own Knight in shining armor!"

I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis, turn my back on the company of men, except eternal maidenhood, and join the hunt
on June 01, 2016
on March 21, 2015
on March 16, 2015
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A 'boyfriend' when you're 10 years old is not a boyfriend at all.
You're just a child.
You should not be on the Internet.
Learn to type like a normal human being before you decide to be active on the Internet.
Thank you.
A 'boyfriend' when you're 10 years old is not a boyfriend at all.
You're just a child.
You should not be on the Internet.
Learn to type like a normal human being before you decide to be active on the Internet.
Thank you.

who is to say im not a child HMMMM?
on July 17, 2018

lolz ze childrenz can be on ze internetz
az longz az they iz not givingz personal infoz y,know?
az longz az they iz not givingz personal infoz y,know?
on July 17, 2018

I could not agree more but I am not a pro typer so sorry, but I am 16!:p
on March 08, 2014
on March 07, 2013
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I'm 13 and I haven't had one yet. Not going to until high school. Too young
on July 17, 2013
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I recommend checking your spelling and grammar before posting anything.
on March 14, 2015
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'How old were you when you had your first boyfriend??' I recemmend you check your grammar and spelling before you post anything. But answering your question, I never had one and don't plan to untill highschool at least.
on March 12, 2015
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Like when I was 9.
Oh yeah, that was just an anime character which I was mentally dating and was too perfect to be true so yah...........nvm then.
Oh yeah, that was just an anime character which I was mentally dating and was too perfect to be true so yah...........nvm then.
on March 21, 2015
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I haven't had one yet. Also, (Here comes the rant) How long does it take to type, "How old were you when you had your first boyfriend?" ??????? It took me five seconds! Please, just work on that. Also, ten seems a bit young, my sister didn't date until she was 14. Ten year olds should be having fun with friends, not worrying if their boyfriend will break up with them, or if they're good enough. I'm not trying to sound rude, but this is what I think. Just saying.
on June 29, 2015
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I have not had my first boyfriend yet, and I am thirteen. I am very pleased with my decision.
*First of all, the definition of 'boyfriend' is as follows: A regular male companion with whom one has a romantic or sexual relationship, via Google. I highly doubt that you were romantically attached to a ten year old boy.
*Second of all, please check your grammar and spelling. I love admitting this: I am a Grammar Nazi. I am disappointed that QFeast promoted this question describing See More obviously a young girl who has no idea what correct spelling or grammar is, let alone a real boyfriend.
*And lastly, please tell me that you plan to grow up first, and then have a real boyfriend, not just someone you want to hold hands with under the monkey bars at recess. Unless you want to pay for an expensive dinner with the probably none or very little allowance money you own.
Thank you!
*First of all, the definition of 'boyfriend' is as follows: A regular male companion with whom one has a romantic or sexual relationship, via Google. I highly doubt that you were romantically attached to a ten year old boy.
*Second of all, please check your grammar and spelling. I love admitting this: I am a Grammar Nazi. I am disappointed that QFeast promoted this question describing See More obviously a young girl who has no idea what correct spelling or grammar is, let alone a real boyfriend.
*And lastly, please tell me that you plan to grow up first, and then have a real boyfriend, not just someone you want to hold hands with under the monkey bars at recess. Unless you want to pay for an expensive dinner with the probably none or very little allowance money you own.
Thank you!
on November 30, 2015
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I don't have one and I never have had one . Also , it's spelled "How Old Were You When You Had Your First boyfriend?" It took me ages to decipher what you were trying to ask and those abbreviations are not really a good method of writing .
on December 01, 2015
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Does it matter? Really? I DON'T WANNA END UP SOME TIED DOWN PREGNANT TEEN. I've never dated. :3
on December 01, 2015
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I haven't had an OFFICIAL boyfriend yet. However, you could say 9 because there was this one guy that I was sort of dating...
on March 21, 2015
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Not yet, and I'm in high school. I have a crush though.... hes showing me signs that he likes me but not really or just shy. Wish i knew!!!:x:">:)
on February 26, 2017
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well if i was in 3rd grade i was 8 years old :) or maybe i was in kindergarten...... I can't remember
on September 15, 2016
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i was four for the first boyfriend and my parents told me i had 1 other younger then that
on February 23, 2017
on September 14, 2016
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9 i was in 3rd grade it stared at homecoming im now 11 and hating boys ive had 2 different bfs they all did something wrong one called me a b**** (i dint spell it at all i put b that * )
on September 13, 2016
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I was 13.
Don't judge me people.
I do as a please with my life and if you don't like it keep it to yourself.
Don't judge me people.
I do as a please with my life and if you don't like it keep it to yourself.
on March 27, 2016