Why do months have different number of days? Some months have 28 days, some 29 and so on to a maximum 31 days per month.
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Only one month has 28 days, and it's the same month that has 29 days, and that's every four years, so it's not some months.
on March 28, 2016
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on November 17, 2013
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on December 04, 2012
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... i don't know the answer to your actual question, but i think you should know that there has NEVER been a year where 1 month had 28 days and another has 29 days. February gains one day every 4 years because 1 revolution around the Sun takes 365 1/4 days, so in 4 years, we are missing 1 day, and it is placed in February... That's all i know. Hope I helped :D

Gah I posted that awhile ago... And just now realized it didn't post. Oops. Hope your still on :)
on July 14, 2013

on July 14, 2013

well then 'oops' but that's how I took it, oh well ;) And at keara, no i'm not showing off, I'm old enough to know facts like that off the top of my head, sadly. So don't be rude
on December 12, 2012
on November 20, 2012