Fej123 added a new chapter to A diary of a super normal teenager

I woke up late today so I had a quick breakfast and cycled to Xavier's (mom's) house. One of the housekeepers answered and led me to his room. He was strumming his guitar and humming along to a song. 'Hey Xavier.' I said sitting beside him. 'Hey Liz.' he said putting down his guitar. 'No!' I said thinking fast. 'What I um, meant to say is, um,' I muttered. 'You want to hear a song?' I nodded. 'Sure' he said lining up his hands. 'Wait,' I said. 'Only if you sing as well' I said trying ...
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on March 29, 2016

Fej123 added a new chapter to A diary of a super normal teenager

Me time
I woke up with a lot on my mind. Did Bill tell Xavier? If he didn't, when would he? I couldn't tell anyone, even though I was itching to tell Allison. I know I shouldn't though. That girl is not quite, news flies fast these days anyway, Xavier would probably know within the hour. I wouldn't want him to find out his dad moved on that fast anyway, at least not like that. I had my breakfast then went for a jog. I always left my phone at home because it distracted me from my me time. My m...
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on March 27, 2016

Fej123 asked a question

What do you think of the newest Barbie? Barbie came out with a new doll range with diff...
on March 18, 2016

Fej123 asked a question

Are you/ do you know anyone who is asexual? What is your opinion on asexuality? Do you ...
on March 16, 2016

Fej123 asked a question

Have you ever reported someone on qfeast? I haven't I just wanted to know if anyone has...
on February 27, 2016

Fej123 added a new chapter to A diary of a super normal teenager

Not what it seems
I was woken up at half six by my nurse. She said Steph's parents were called and she was collected early in the night. They had the medicine and pills ready for me by seven, and gave me an injection before I left. 'You can take 10 milliliters of the medicine in the morning, that'll last around three weeks, so come back when that's gone. And you'll have to take two pills in the morning and night before you go to bed.' My mom got her write it down just to be sure. I got changed and left...
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on February 24, 2016