Are you agianst animal abuse??? Its super super sad when i hear a story on the news about animal abuse! Answer if you agree that it is disturbing and horrible!
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Animals have been abused in many ways- like for fashion and make-up, why would we need make-up? And plus why do we have to make an animal suffer for unnecessary needs, it is UNACCEPTABLE. X-( :'(
on November 22, 2013
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OMG I HATE IT my dog i adobted from the shelter was abused and his old owners didnt feed him and they sprayed him with amonia so he was so skinny and scared then but now he is well fed and really sweet dog that sleeps by my feet every night and hes my best pal! so i hate animal abuse and we are animals how would we feel if they were the humans and we were the dogs getting abused i would be down right misserable! so my simple answer is i hate animal abuse
on December 11, 2012
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of course I'm against it!! When I get older, if I get a job where I can afford it, I'm either doing the monthly donation for ASPCA or that Bookback Weekend Meals organization (you pay how much $ a year, and this child--who's family doesn't have enough money to feed the child well during the weekend-- gets a bookbag with 2 cereals, some juice boxes, and some meals to get them through till school :)
on December 04, 2012
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on June 29, 2013
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I think its quite sad that animals of the earth are being hunted down like prey. Its not right to pent up a wild animal ion a cat carrier, then ship it to some forign country where it will be abused, hurt, or killed. If people do this, we should at least try to repopulate the species. When we make a species go instinct, we are messing with the balance of life. If we killed off the butterfly, humming bird, bee, and other polinators, flowers, plants, and eventually animals would See More die off. Some medications are based off plants, and they are much used (i think...). Also, if you wanna fight someone for money, do it yourself instead of making animals do it. A lot of animals are put don because theyre previous owners were cruel to them and the animals couldnt stop theyre behavoir that they had used to keep them alive all this time! Its not the animals fault they do that, but the person who taught them, forced them, to act this way.
on December 04, 2012
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The place that i work at has a race horse well x-race horse i should say but he flinches when you rise you hand he was obusely abused i hate animal abuse
on December 13, 2012
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It is very sad that people are abusing animals because if the people that are abusing animals were getting abused they wouldn't like it.:((
on September 08, 2013
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Animals don't deserve it at all! Animal hunters say they kill animals like tigers because they hurt humans. I've heard better excuses from kids in my class about why they didn't bring in their homework! I know what you might be thinking. You might be thinking "Wait! Her again! This kid keeps posting answers to this question!" if you are then I'm sorry for trying to get the message out about animal abuse but it needs to stop! What did animals do? I remember this advert where a See More very skinny dog who obviously had not been fed was outside in the rain crying but the owner just shouted at it and told it to shut up. Animals abuse is wrong and needs to be stopped.Join my page and help me http://www.qfeast.com/page/478/Animal-Abuse-Needs-To-STOP
on May 14, 2013
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It terrible and cruel. I love animals and I can't bear to even think of the horrible things that happen to them. :(
on March 20, 2013
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YES!If you hurt an animal I will personally rip out your kidneys and eat them in your face watching you die slowly and painfully.>:)

on March 19, 2016

on August 10, 2015
on July 13, 2015
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I am highly against it, because animals are like humans, they have feelings. They do not need to be abused from a human they thought loved them. Its sad what the human race has turned into today. Not saying every human is bad, but some are. We need to love animals. Then animals will love us :)
on July 12, 2015
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I saw the grossest video about skinning animals alive! They had this horrific video where a raccoon was skinned alive, it was horrible, because raccoons can't make noise so it was just squirming as the sh*t-headed people around it tore it's skin off! It made me want to cry and vomit at the same time!
on October 02, 2014
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I keep thinking why people must hurt animals for any reason. We are all animals too so would we like it if we were constantly abused and hurt? Of course we wouldn't! All those hunters in the world need to put themselves in the shoes of the tiger they are about to kill. All those people who hurt dogs need to recognise the pain and fear in their dogs eyes and all animal killers need to think of the consequences of killing animals. Imagine a world without animals. No dogs to play See More with. No beautiful tigers. No majestic lions. No animals all because of stupid animal hunters! Animal abuse needs to stop. Animals need to be treated with the same amount of respect as humans want to be treated. Thank you for reading- I know it was long but I felt I needed to say it.
on May 13, 2013
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Yea, I hate it too!!!
Ha ha ha my horse is sam he is a 27 year old thorobreed he is so smart he pantsed my brther
on December 19, 2012

on December 13, 2012
on December 09, 2012
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I really care! I even volunteer at my the humane society (my local animal shelter) i loooove animals and would rather get hurt myself then let an animal be hurt
on December 04, 2012
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Guys listen. We need to stop animal abusing and earth abusing. Many many many animals are extinct. And they had amazing names and amazing features. We must respect what they have done. Not just hunting them people are hunting habitats. We need to stop this now or everything and the earth will die. #STOPABUSINGTODAYNOTLATER
on June 19, 2016
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Whenever I see animal abuse I don't think much of it.
Why you might ask?
Well, do you show much concern for the millions of animals that get killed every year to be turned into food?
Cows, Pigs and other farm animals all have the potential to be great pets, but most people don't show much concern for them when they die.
However, if a puppy dies suddenly everyone is sad because: who would kill a puppy?
Why you might ask?
Well, do you show much concern for the millions of animals that get killed every year to be turned into food?
Cows, Pigs and other farm animals all have the potential to be great pets, but most people don't show much concern for them when they die.
However, if a puppy dies suddenly everyone is sad because: who would kill a puppy?

Cows, pigs and other farm animals don't have the potential to be great pets. Most people think that they smell. Most people think that they're dumb. Most people think that they're not cute enough. Most people struggle to feed themselves and/or their families, the thought of having a farm animal is ridiculous. Farm animals aren't worth taking care of as pets most See More the time. Only rich people who can afford these stuff might try having them, but why would they want chickens instead of adorable puppies and kitties? So you see, practically nobody could or wants to spend on something they don't need, I personally wouldn't deem it worth the trouble. Green grass for cows, fields for horses, special expensive meals so they stay healthy... and what if they get sick?
Bottom line: Nobody wants that much trouble.
Bottom line: Nobody wants that much trouble.
on September 23, 2016

I feel like I should go vegetarian now.... ?

on September 23, 2016
on September 14, 2016

on April 13, 2016
on April 13, 2016
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Are you kidding? This is an obvious answer. YES IT'S HORRIBLE! Does anyone feel bad for red pandas? Well rumor has it there's only 1,000 left in the world! And plus, tigers are getting endangered because of poaching! Click up if u agree.
on April 03, 2016
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I am sooo against animal abuse. Stupid humans are so cruel, and some people say THEY are the problem. They only become a problem because they have had a very upsetting past and dont trust others because of it. Would animal abusers like it if they got shrunk to the size of a dog and be punched and kicked and then killed? Im sure they would since they think its fine to do it to animals.
on April 02, 2016
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on July 11, 2015