I haven't been on in so long... It might be awhile efore any quizzes come along due to some problems that arose. Sorry for anybody expecting quizzes from me. You'll not gonna get them forr awhile
on December 29, 2016

Currently working to throw together a little quiz for y'all. Are you good or evil? Plus, over break I plan to work on the next part of my wffy alot so hopefully it will come out over the break :)
on November 18, 2016

on November 16, 2016

on November 16, 2016

created a

Changes- A Dan and Phil wffy; part 1
on November 15, 2016

Ok guys sickness aside imma make the wffy today!!!!!
Btw If u somehow don't know, or don't live in America, trump won the election... ;-;
Btw If u somehow don't know, or don't live in America, trump won the election... ;-;
on November 10, 2016

Sorry the wffy is taking so long. I got sick and im still sick actually... but when im better i swear i will finidh the wffy
on November 10, 2016

You asked, I deliver. Currently working in the brand new dan and Phil wffy!
on October 31, 2016

OMG it's been so long since i was in! But I'm back now, and gonna start making a quiz.

on September 13, 2016
on September 13, 2016

on August 03, 2016

so true... Who here is part of the phandom?

@sapphirethehedgehog Hello member if the phandom! All u had to say was me, but that works too ?
on September 13, 2016
on July 28, 2016

averageschoolgirl asked a question

What creepy desire have you ever had? Did you ever have a desire that made you doubt yo...
on July 25, 2016

Ok guys, let's start voting on stuff. Just reply who you vote. No voting for yourself. Ppl who subscribed can be voted for. First up; most likely to succeed
on July 23, 2016

Ok. I was supposed to add this but I had to go. I'll add you the yearbook no matter what, but if you want to write a short paragraph, write it om this page or message me and ill add it
on July 21, 2016