hey y'all its me again im almost 20 now hope you're all doing well

omg lol !! i’m 18 i just remembered about this haha
on January 04, 2020
on December 10, 2019

hey yall
on August 26, 2017

WHAT THE F K IS THIS i was like 12 when i made this account im 17 now fCK me

on September 22, 2018
on August 26, 2017

holy shit do you remember me?
on November 28, 2016

I miss you sososososo much!! WHAT HAPPEND TO OUR FRIENDSHIP!! ... lol jkjk
on December 31, 2013

To everybody. ..
I hate this.. I hate to say this. I don't know if I can! But...I might have to leave qfeast. I know you guys don't know this, but I have a lot of family problems. And these past weeks have been a lot of counslers and tears. I love qfeast an honest to god this was just...I don't know. This website for me is just a reason to smile. Every one of my supporters and friends on here made me happy. But I can't really go on the interenet any more, so trust me when I say See More I don't have time for anything anymore. I'm in eight grade, an it's one of the hardest, cruelest years of my life. It's all work work work. And I DONT want to give up qfeast. Never. But I can't be on a lot. It's just a stressful point in my life right now. I have to let some things go, including my phone. It's a long story... Anyway I jut miss the old days...the old times. I love you all. And I miss this like crazy. I hate what I'm typing and... I'm sorry I drifted away from you all. Please forgive me and hopefully you will remember me....
I hate this.. I hate to say this. I don't know if I can! But...I might have to leave qfeast. I know you guys don't know this, but I have a lot of family problems. And these past weeks have been a lot of counslers and tears. I love qfeast an honest to god this was just...I don't know. This website for me is just a reason to smile. Every one of my supporters and friends on here made me happy. But I can't really go on the interenet any more, so trust me when I say See More I don't have time for anything anymore. I'm in eight grade, an it's one of the hardest, cruelest years of my life. It's all work work work. And I DONT want to give up qfeast. Never. But I can't be on a lot. It's just a stressful point in my life right now. I have to let some things go, including my phone. It's a long story... Anyway I jut miss the old days...the old times. I love you all. And I miss this like crazy. I hate what I'm typing and... I'm sorry I drifted away from you all. Please forgive me and hopefully you will remember me....

on November 25, 2013

I'm sorry about your problems. I hope you rejoin Qfeast again soon. if you lose followers, they weren't your friend to begin with. I will always be here. I hope you'll be ok, don't forget to smile and have a little fun once in a while. Good luck to you. Good bye for a while. :)
on October 05, 2013

In the end everything will be ok. Smile. Be happy. Qfeast will be always here, for you, and some of us..too. Take care.
on October 03, 2013
on October 02, 2013

earthy come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on October 01, 2013

did she quit? its been past a month since she has been on ....
on September 15, 2013

on September 08, 2013

please read new story!! http://www.qfeast.com/story/2393/the-dreams-I-ve-been-having

the dreams I've been having!!!
Some are very disturbing I'm sorry If some are to dusturbing!! thank you for reading
on September 02, 2013

SORRY I HAVENT BEEN ON I GOT MY IPOD AND COMPUTER TAKEN AWAY :( I have just a few seconds to write this...sorry guys hopefully ill be back on soon!!! I miss qfeast! I love this place!!! R.B.R!
on August 02, 2013

Due to recent events i have made some new rules
1) No Cursing at the haters!
2) Please try to tell them in nice way what they are doing wrong'
3) if things get out of hand ask ME, CLOVE, OR EARTH707 if you can go against rules 1 & 2
4) Ignore them! If they get no attenion they wont comment again
5) If we hurt a haters feeling just as much as they hurt ours he person they did that will be punished if they didn't follow my rules
6)I hope we can Be-Friend haters instead of getting See More them out of here! can we try? At Least Try!!! Please comment your thoughts on these rules :) -potterpox :) :) 0_0 We will change our way of fighting! :D
1) No Cursing at the haters!
2) Please try to tell them in nice way what they are doing wrong'
3) if things get out of hand ask ME, CLOVE, OR EARTH707 if you can go against rules 1 & 2
4) Ignore them! If they get no attenion they wont comment again
5) If we hurt a haters feeling just as much as they hurt ours he person they did that will be punished if they didn't follow my rules
6)I hope we can Be-Friend haters instead of getting See More them out of here! can we try? At Least Try!!! Please comment your thoughts on these rules :) -potterpox :) :) 0_0 We will change our way of fighting! :D

SORRY I HAVENT BEEN ON I GOT MY IPOD AND COMPUTER TAKEN AWAY :( I have just a few seconds to write this...sorry guys hopefully ill be back on soon!!! I miss qfeast! your rules are awesome! tell everyone this cause for some weird reason I can only write it here!!!!
on August 01, 2013
on July 30, 2013

IM OFFICALLY 13!!!!! :)
on July 06, 2013