I Got your message! (I'm awnsering here becuz i don't have my e-mail confimed) Your Welcome! :) ~DJearworm
on August 07, 2012

earth707 asked a question
is bloody mary real? Im to chicken to try it ;D can you tell me?
on August 06, 2012

there is a very mean girl here on qfeast. she has called me and many others ugly. help put a stop to it!
I think we all know who im talking about. Plz help me stop her from hurting everyones feelings. Shes wrong and needs to know it! Ps. As a hint she thinks she beautifuland likes pink. She only has one quiz about being pretty.
I think we all know who im talking about. Plz help me stop her from hurting everyones feelings. Shes wrong and needs to know it! Ps. As a hint she thinks she beautifuland likes pink. She only has one quiz about being pretty.
on August 06, 2012

earth707 asked a question
should baton twirling be an olyimpic sport? I do baton twirling and i think it is a ver...
on August 01, 2012

Help save the animals!

heh, we should get them all to sign their addresses on a petition and order eighty sacks of litter every week!!!
on August 11, 2012

I love the animals and I hate litterbugs. They all should have a whole load of litter posted through their door weekly!
on August 09, 2012
on July 26, 2012

Puppies. You r excatly like me! I love to climb and im very good at it. Evryone tells me im pretty. (I hope theyre right!) And im kinda shy.

on November 30, 2012
on July 24, 2012

in addition to my last post, i forgot to add....... I <3 MONKEYS!!!!
on March 15, 2012