im quitting bye.

Omg! Yes i hope they both quit!
on August 11, 2012

Yay! lmfao is nice, Iampretty and pinkpurse haven't been on I am so happy right now :)
on August 11, 2012

I no quit!
on August 11, 2012

Lol! I never quit! I said nvm not today. See above ^.
on August 11, 2012

lampretty quit shes gone u can come back and pink purse hasnt been on for a while and lmafo is nice
on August 11, 2012
on August 10, 2012

Your awesome Te Amo!
on August 09, 2012

love that sain harry potter rules!!!
on August 09, 2012

hey! we are gonna go swimmin! and ill prob. get attacked by some bees agian! XD
on August 09, 2012

Lol thank you for calling me mature. :) and i like how the 3 yr olds joke.

Back To Humans is another title for one of my favourite songs, it just was never released as a single and it was from 1984 anyway. And what's wrong with Clove and earth707's names?
on August 11, 2012

ohh yhea i almos forgot who will have a usernames ass clove?OR earth707 thats stupid and back2humans
on August 10, 2012
on August 09, 2012

on August 09, 2012

on August 09, 2012

Can u help me stop the haters. The ones that r mean to clove?
on August 08, 2012

Hya everyonez! Did u know that...um. PEANUT PIE IS SUPER GOOD? i will maje my own pie biz. Lol!

They are a chinese place where they give you noodles and chicken and you get chopsticks and it is so cool with chinese music
on August 11, 2012
on August 08, 2012

on August 08, 2012

on August 08, 2012

on August 07, 2012

I follow u!
on August 07, 2012