lmfao r u on? wanna be friends?

on August 11, 2012
on August 11, 2012

alex evans: me,clove, potterpox, ripley, and backtohumans where not being mean to lmfao. she called us stupid and ugly and losers. we wernt gonna let her! we where gonna stand up for ourselves! she said she wanted to punch clove and even planned to kick her out. so plz dont think we r mean!!!!!!!!! -earth707 :D
on August 11, 2012

HYIA! now that iampretty quit will u be nice lmfao?

and id want friends because they'll always b there 4 me in goods times and in bad and they'll stand up 4 me and all that good stuff :)
on August 14, 2012

and anyway u brag about urself being sooo popular and pretty.. pffff u just said "you are my only friend". if i had 2 choose weather to have friends or 2 be pretty id choose have friends. but lucky 4 me I'm both. same goes 4 clove,djearworm,earth707,ripley,potter pox, and all the people lampretty was being mean 2
on August 14, 2012
on August 11, 2012

anyone on

on August 11, 2012

on August 11, 2012
on August 11, 2012


on August 11, 2012
on August 11, 2012

hiya! I DIDNT QUIIIIIIIT! -earth707 (:-
I kno lots of peeps thought i quit. Lol IAMRIGHTHEREYALL! I was just at the harlir salon and mall for the day. I smell yummy! :)
I kno lots of peeps thought i quit. Lol IAMRIGHTHEREYALL! I was just at the harlir salon and mall for the day. I smell yummy! :)
on August 11, 2012

Ok...i didnt quit....gotta go tell otherz. I waz jzust gettin yummy smellin highlights!

on August 11, 2012
on August 11, 2012

on August 11, 2012

Meh! I didnt quit. Few...ive been typin this all night...
on August 11, 2012

I neveah quit. I was at the hair place gettin yummy smellin highlights! (:

on August 11, 2012
on August 11, 2012

Lol! I never quit. I changed my mind cause i relized i had amazing friends.like u!
on August 11, 2012

on August 11, 2012

Iknow you have quit but PPLEASE come back. Iampretty has quit and so has everyone I feel like crying

lol! idk if they r scented. but it smelled like it...the last highlights i got smelled watermelony ::D
on August 11, 2012

Awwwwww. I was gettin highlights and that took two hours! Then i wentnto the mall andnhot home at 10.
on August 11, 2012

pooterpox "virtual hug" and I thought you had I was so sad everyone said you had and you said yyou were and you weren't replying I have been typing loads of the morning!
on August 11, 2012
on August 10, 2012

No, don't do that. Go on her profile and click on her questions.
on August 10, 2012