on January 01, 2014

Hey ya!
Super sucky news; my computer broke down, and I lost ALL my writing!!! So now, I have to start again, and I had finished 'The Girl With No Name' and other stories (new ones I had been working on too) which sucks big time!!!!! But don't worry, I hope to get a new chapter up each week for 'The Girl With No Name':) I put up chapter five, and will advise you each time a new chapter is up:) Thank you for reading!!:) You're awesome:D
Super sucky news; my computer broke down, and I lost ALL my writing!!! So now, I have to start again, and I had finished 'The Girl With No Name' and other stories (new ones I had been working on too) which sucks big time!!!!! But don't worry, I hope to get a new chapter up each week for 'The Girl With No Name':) I put up chapter five, and will advise you each time a new chapter is up:) Thank you for reading!!:) You're awesome:D
on November 16, 2013

If I see the day one of my friends are on at the same time as me, I will explode (or implode) with happiness!

I wish I could come on when everyone else is on, but living practically on the other side of the world from everyone means that I'm asleep when you're awake. Like, six hours ago for me was 5am XD
on October 27, 2013
on October 27, 2013

Hey. Long time no see! What have you been up to?
on October 23, 2013

on September 29, 2013

Hey. :)

Back a bit now. Google kept saying can't display QFeast.com and I was all DDDDDD: Good to see some friends. :)
on October 04, 2013
on September 22, 2013

They say that monsters come only at night,
That light will drive them away.
But not all creatures follow this rule,
Safety not certain during the day.
He hides on the fringes of your vision,
Brief glimpses of the distorted.
He slithers and writhes behind your eyes, See More
Reaching for you, limbs contorted.
Before you know it your children are taken,
And now it's come down to you.
His breath is oppressive, his presence acidic,
He feels pity is undue.
Suddenly, trapped in his grasp so tight,
You struggle to break yourself free.
He laughs and he gurgles and he screeches with glee,
He turns your head for you to see.
Your children are crying though their eyes are removed,
They collapse, still and silent.
His arms and legs bend pulling you closer,
The man's eyes dark and violent.
He strikes and he cuts, your skin flays open,
Your soul to weak to resist.
This should not have happened, if only you had listened,
Never go into his forest.
That light will drive them away.
But not all creatures follow this rule,
Safety not certain during the day.
He hides on the fringes of your vision,
Brief glimpses of the distorted.
He slithers and writhes behind your eyes, See More
Reaching for you, limbs contorted.
Before you know it your children are taken,
And now it's come down to you.
His breath is oppressive, his presence acidic,
He feels pity is undue.
Suddenly, trapped in his grasp so tight,
You struggle to break yourself free.
He laughs and he gurgles and he screeches with glee,
He turns your head for you to see.
Your children are crying though their eyes are removed,
They collapse, still and silent.
His arms and legs bend pulling you closer,
The man's eyes dark and violent.
He strikes and he cuts, your skin flays open,
Your soul to weak to resist.
This should not have happened, if only you had listened,
Never go into his forest.
on July 25, 2013

I made 204 followers in one year. (As it is my one year anniversary on QFeast)
I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me as this year has passed, and all my followers. Special thanks to: BackToHumans, potterpox, Clove, DJearmorm, Etc.
I love you all :3
I'd like to thank everyone who has supported me as this year has passed, and all my followers. Special thanks to: BackToHumans, potterpox, Clove, DJearmorm, Etc.
I love you all :3
on July 19, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What killer is haunting you?
on July 16, 2013

Can you make some system to differentiate between : D <Remove spaces and :D? I don't know how many times I've typed : D (<Remove spaces) and ended up with :D

We will think about a system like you are asking, to disable emoticons for a certain text. Thank you for your suggestion
on July 18, 2013
on July 16, 2013

The Q&A's will be answered when enough stack up to make a good, long chapter. :3
on July 16, 2013

I read your Info thing on your profile : D. Do I win? : P
on July 16, 2013

Tornado1619 added a new chapter to Tornado's Q&A
I actually got questions!
So, I actually got questions. Yay! So, let's make this short and sweet.
Clove: 1.*breath in* No, no, no, no, no. :)
2. A month or so.
3. Spaghetti is OKAY.
4. Fun, however responsible (sometimes ;)... )
5. I don't know what crisps are so... BLUEBERRY!
Infinite 1. (Despite the fact that you said 'jk') Yes. I am most definitively a cookie.
2. I am an 11 year old. U MAD BRO?!
Lesly_is_mine ( I present to your, ze cookie)
1.I am most definitly a cookie :)
I have a sister, an... Read Full Chapter
Clove: 1.*breath in* No, no, no, no, no. :)
2. A month or so.
3. Spaghetti is OKAY.
4. Fun, however responsible (sometimes ;)... )
5. I don't know what crisps are so... BLUEBERRY!
Infinite 1. (Despite the fact that you said 'jk') Yes. I am most definitively a cookie.
2. I am an 11 year old. U MAD BRO?!
Lesly_is_mine ( I present to your, ze cookie)
1.I am most definitly a cookie :)
I have a sister, an... Read Full Chapter
on July 07, 2013

Haven't chatted in ages! Hows you? :)

Haha XD, and good thanks. I went to a music festival last night and stayed until 11:20, then my friends dad was meant to be leading all of us back, and we ended up walking in circles for about an hour - then ended up where we started. It was actually quite funny XD so yeah :)
on July 07, 2013

on July 07, 2013
on July 06, 2013

I think Iampretty may be back. I looked at my followers, pulled up a guy, and there was a post by Iamprettysspirt, who joined 313 days ago. It was posted 4 hours ago as of 3:00 Eastern time

Taylor swift is a hater. Go onto her page and scroll down and you'll see a lot of cusses. CM(wChubby Monkey) you know what I'm talking about
on June 25, 2013
on June 22, 2013

A creepy guy with free candy is following me. Think about it. THINK ABOUT IT!

on July 17, 2013
*stalks Creepy guy until creepy guy gets creeped out* haha im stalking you and i wont stop ifyou dont appreciate i will bite *eyes flash red*
on July 07, 2013

on June 23, 2013
dude why would i want a creepy guy to follow me *uses magic to move him to the middle of nowhere*
on June 22, 2013
on June 22, 2013

on May 28, 2013

Hello? It says you're on.

Gosh!! Lucky you!!!:) It sounds super cool and fun!!!:D And I LOVE complicated board games LOL:P Don't know why, I read the instructions, try to play the game, re-read the instructions while playing the game, etcetera, etcetera, untill I finally get it LOL:P I usually I get a little frustrated a long the way, especially with my sister's whining sometimes when See More it takes too long LOL:P But I still go for the complicated ones....:)
on May 24, 2013

I don't really have any plans, but it's probably Florida for me! :p And Axis and Allies is a turn based WWII strategy board game. There are several editions, for example:
Axis and Allies
Axis and Allies:1942
Axis and Allies:1941
Axis and Allies: Europe 1940 See More
Axis and Allies: Pacific 1940
It's fun. First you buy units (Infantry, Tank, Bomber, etc.). Then make a combative move, then a non combative. After that you deploy your new units, then collect income. ITS SUPER COMPLICATED!
Axis and Allies
Axis and Allies:1942
Axis and Allies:1941
Axis and Allies: Europe 1940 See More
Axis and Allies: Pacific 1940
It's fun. First you buy units (Infantry, Tank, Bomber, etc.). Then make a combative move, then a non combative. After that you deploy your new units, then collect income. ITS SUPER COMPLICATED!
on May 24, 2013

Yeah:) I'm moving this summer, which I'm excited and nervous, sad and happy about, you know what I mean? I'm also most probably going to some kind of camp, but that's just during the week days, and going to start working for my dad, and all of that other fun summer stuff like swmming, biking etc. LOL:P I'm also planning to send my book to a oublisher this summer! See More So yeah, that's a big summer, LOL:P What about you? No, I don't think so. What's it about?
on May 24, 2013

on May 24, 2013
on May 24, 2013