Okay... I have come to the conclusion that Alice101 is a hater. Hence her page, xXXSilentHopeXX is a Loser. The description of this page has her confession in it. We must act before her hating get's out of contro, which it may aswell has.

u know what princess chloe. i dont give a f*ck about what u say. and btw its silent HOPE not hoe and if u are trying to call her a wh*re but with that sucky slang then spell it right u idiot. -_-
on June 12, 2013

Hey, princess cloe don't become a hater yourself, we are just warning other people of bullies and to be careful, okay? Who cares that her writing may not be great(I haven't read hers yet) its the thought that counts
on May 28, 2013

PrincessChloe ggo look in the mirror
on May 22, 2013

I hope alice does smash her face with a vase because seriously, look at her! She's ugly as Hell and she calls herself a writer? This girl thinks she's better than everyone else....including all of you? Please. Talk to the hand. Go ahead and continuing being her freind
on May 22, 2013

Alice101 is being mean to me and insulting my family
on May 22, 2013
on May 21, 2013

Tornado1619 asked a question
What is the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath? They sound the same to me ...
on May 21, 2013

Hey potterpox! Long time no chat! How, have you been? :D

I am mad at mother nature for making my internet terrible! But other than that I'm fine. So school's almost over, You got plans? B)
on May 18, 2013
on May 18, 2013

on May 11, 2013

Hey, your on! What's new, Clove?
on May 11, 2013

Hai havnt talked in a long time message me :)

That's hilarious. Thanks for making my day. I made him a name tag that says: Hello I'm Frenchie.
on May 11, 2013
on May 11, 2013

Where are you? I'm so worried! Come back to us! We need you! :'(

on May 27, 2013
on May 11, 2013

Hey Torn!!:) can I call you that, or do you prefer Tornado?? Anyway, what's up??:) Been a while...

on May 05, 2013

I had a laptop... it broke. When you start it up, a bunch of messages show up. If you close them all out, ERROR shows up in giant red letters.I hope your novel gets published.
on May 05, 2013

Cool:) Yeah, I'm so excited, although I'm one of those weird people who actually like school, I'm excited for it to be done and summer vacation:) Not that I know of, not really:) That sounds awesome!!!:) I'm saving up some money for my own laptop (this one is given to me by the school) because I'm writing a novel that I'm hoping to get published, and it won't See More be finished by the end of the school year, so...!!:)
on May 05, 2013

You can call me that if you want to. Nothings going on at the moment. So, school's about to end. Do you have any plans? I'm saving money for a board game... that costs seventy-something dollars. It's Axis & Allies: Europe 1940.
on May 05, 2013
on April 30, 2013

Hey I found a new hater! I think her name was EllaBenjamin.
on April 30, 2013

on April 10, 2013

HermioneSJM has told us that a user called MariaJohnson52 is a hater. Sread the word!
on April 04, 2013

HermioneSJM has told us that a user called MariaJohnson52 is a hater. Sread the word!
on April 04, 2013

HermioneSJM has told us that a user called MariaJohnson52 is a hater. Sread the word!
on April 04, 2013

Hey Marguarette3636, watch been doin'?

Not saying that I'll die soon.... LOL:P Wait.. not very LOL:P.... Now I'm confused!!! LOL:P
on April 02, 2013

Cool!! LOL:P Me too!!:D Oh, just that I'm learning more about the world and stufff like that every minute I live LOL:P
on April 02, 2013
on April 02, 2013

102 Followers! I'd Like To Thank The Academy, DJearworm, BackToHumans, potterpox, Clove, R.O.B, Recent Followers, Old Followers, And All My Suppoters!

Yeah, you totally deserve them!!! You're an awesome and smart person!!! LOL:P
on March 31, 2013

Very true quotes, and it's no problem. I'm glad you've got over 100 - you deserve every single one of them.
on March 31, 2013
on March 31, 2013

Welcome the official Let's Play channel of Markiplier! Here you can find me BUSTIN' my way through anything in my path with witty commentary and an ego the s...
on March 29, 2013

Here Are My Interests For The Who To Follow Thingy.
-The Legend Of Zelda
-Horror Films
-Hitori Kakurenbo (One Person Hide And Seek)(Google It)
-Star Wars
-The Universe
-The Legend Of Zelda
-Horror Films
-Hitori Kakurenbo (One Person Hide And Seek)(Google It)
-Star Wars
-The Universe

Oh, gosh you have a lot!!! LOL:P No, I don't own any, I borrow them from the library:)
on March 31, 2013

1.) Axis
2.)The Soviet Union
You have a book on World War 2? I just got a few. I'll name them.
Battle of the Bulge See More
Red Army Resurgant
War Under the Pacific
The Nazis
Prelude To War
The Sceond Front
Russia Besieged
The Battle of the Atlantic
Partisands and Guerrillas
The Home Front U.S.A
The Rising Sun
Return to the Philippines
The War in the Desert
The Road to Tokyo
The Battle of Britain
The Italian Campaign
The Resistance
Across the Rhine
Island Fighting
The Air War in
2.)The Soviet Union
You have a book on World War 2? I just got a few. I'll name them.
Battle of the Bulge See More
Red Army Resurgant
War Under the Pacific
The Nazis
Prelude To War
The Sceond Front
Russia Besieged
The Battle of the Atlantic
Partisands and Guerrillas
The Home Front U.S.A
The Rising Sun
Return to the Philippines
The War in the Desert
The Road to Tokyo
The Battle of Britain
The Italian Campaign
The Resistance
Across the Rhine
Island Fighting
The Air War in
on March 31, 2013

1.) Allies, I think...
2.) Umm.....France? No, that's not it... Finland??
3.) True!!! I'm 99.99% sure it's true!! LOL:P
Oh, gosh, I suck!!! LOL:PI think I should re-read that book I had on World War ll!!! LOL:P
2.) Umm.....France? No, that's not it... Finland??
3.) True!!! I'm 99.99% sure it's true!! LOL:P
Oh, gosh, I suck!!! LOL:PI think I should re-read that book I had on World War ll!!! LOL:P
on March 31, 2013
on March 23, 2013