Hunger Games Role Play!
Where you can act out the Hunger Games or life in the Districts! Like the 'Harry Potter RolePlay Page' it is a place for fun to role play! Create alliances, kill, survive, aid, it is your choice! Pick a book character or create your own! :)

*In another district* I crossed my arms, unmoving, as I watched. "Ladies first!" The women called, in her voice so high pitched I wanted to cover my ears. I was supprised any glass didn't break, but everyone was completely silent, excpet for the occasional cough. As she put her elegant hand into the reaping ball, I could feel my heart beating hard and fast. I wondered how no one could hear it. I don't show how scared I am, I stay strong for my family. My two younger sisters, my See More mother and father. And my older brother. Always my older brother. As the women up on stage drew up a name, I felt like my chest was about to explode. I saw the scared expression on my twelve-year-old sister's face and moved my arms and gave her a one arm squeeze she looked up at me and gave me a small smile, I smiled back. This was her first reaping year. As the women on stage read the name, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. "Susan Azrel!" I knew what I had to do. As I saw a girl around the age of fifteen walk up onto stage, I felt my heart beat so hard I felt it would explode, pop out of my chest. The girl walked up on stage and said she was sixteen. And I knew I had to do then and there. It's suicide!I thought. No, don't think like that, you have to do it. For your brother. I nodded at my reasoning. As the girl with the crazy high-pitched voice called out, "Are there any voulunteers!" I cried out, "I volunteer!" This is mad, Violet, completely mad, I thought to myself. I know it is, but I have to! I answered myself. I didn't know why I had to, it was just a gut feeling, and I had to do it. Everyone stared at me, especiallly my familly, they just had such a suprised look on their faces. I just gave them a small smile and walked up to the stage. 'You don't even know this girl, and you volunteer for her!' 'Yeah, well, she looked scared as heck, and I just had a feeling that I had too!' I reasoned with myself. "What's your name,dear?" the crazy high-pitched voice girl asked. I never remmebered her name. "Violet Humming," I answered

(go to our RP thing below ;) It'll be easier to keep track, i think XD)
on May 06, 2013

*Oops, scrathch the part where I ask about 'Troubles?' I didn't mean to add that in:)*
on May 06, 2013

*I forgot to mention that Violet felt bad for Luis about the careers pushing him around* I see the boy from district 3 walk over here. I'm sure that's who Searah had been looking for earlier. I hear the man say, "Marvelous! I usually don't get this many tributes. So tell me young man, can you paint?" I hear Luis utter a, "No." He gets to work and about ten minutes See More later, the man comes to see how we've done. I look down at my handiwork. It looked good to me. "Excellent," the man says to all of us. I look over at Luis and Searah. Luis's camouflage needed a bit of work, but I still think it would work amazingly in the arena, as long as people don't look too closely. You can't make it perfect in the arena anyway. And Searah's was pretty amazing too. The man points out little things to Luis and Searah and says that I did quite an amazing job. I was a bit surprised, seeing that I wasn't much of an artist. The man leaves us so as to either continue with the camouflaging or go choose something else. I decide to walk
on May 05, 2013

(cont.) Jamon went to the tying knots section. “Can you paint?” A thin, tall man greeted me. He looked kind. “Yeah, it’s been a while though; don’t know how good I am.” He laughs and I go over to the main table, giving a small laugh. But I spin around as I hear some fighting. The careers (well, Morel really), for some illogical reason, had pushed Luis on the See More floor. I saw Searah gasp and a peacekeeper telling them to break it up. I turn back around to the table and start painting my arm so as to blend with a tree. It also gives me an opportunity to look around so as to see what the others can do. I see Jamon doing a pretty good job with the knots, and I also see that girl, Searah, approaching the section I’m in. I pretend not to notice her, but I watch her with the corners of my eyes. She notices me and takes a few nervous steps away from me, and goes to the other table in the section nervously. Was I scaring her? Well, I guess I am a little scary looking, or tough looking, I should say. I’m quite tall for my
on May 04, 2013

The next morning, Flora wakes us up early. I’m tired because I was up practically all night, thinking. Also, Jamon had come knocking around midnight, and we started talking till about 2 in the morning. I think he knows me too, but doesn’t know from where, just like me. Gosh, it’s infuriating to think that you know a person but not know from where! We eat a big See More breakfast, and we are lead to the basement, where we’ll be training with the other tributes for a bit. When I get in, I suddenly feel wide awake. I look around; taking a good look at all the tributes as one of the gamemakers is giving us a pep talk. There are the careers, district 1; Ash (girl; 16) and Morel (boy; 17), district 2; Silver (girl; 16) and Quin (boy; 18). Then there are all the other more normal districts, district 3; Searah (girl; 13) and Luis (boy; 13), district 4; Zinnia (girl; 14) and Leek (boy; 15), district 5; Juniper (girl; 16) and Duscle (boy; 17), district 6; Ivy (girl; 12) and Fern (boy; 15), district 7; Me and Jamon, district 8;
on May 04, 2013
on April 26, 2013

I shiver as a name is called from the reaping bowl. "Miss Diala Sterlin." The man says in a deep, grumbly voice enthusiastically. I can feel my eyes widen in fear. Diala? No. Her older sister. 17 years old. Diala took care of me and our younger siblings, Jarman, 8, and Kiran, 5. No. Diala couldn't go! My brave sister holds her head high as she marches up to the stage. It's deathly quiet. "Any volunteers?" The man asks as Diala gets closer. I nod my head slowly. Realizing no one See More can see my head bob, I move through the crowd, murmuring "Yes". I don't think I am in my right mind. Nor my left. "Yes." I say louder. People begin to make a narrow path for me to go to the stage. Diala scowls at me. "No." She argues. "Searah, stay there." I don't listen. "I-I volunteer!" I yell. The man claps his hands, "Well, will you look at that?" "Rah," my nickname, "I said, 'No'!" Diala yells. "We have a brave, young volunteer!" The man laughs and hauls me up to the stage, shaking my hand vigorously. "Who are you?" He asks me. Peacekeepers rush a cursing Diala off the stage. "I-I'm Searah." "Searah. What's your last name, darling?" I feel stupid, now. "Searha Sterlin. Diala's my sister." "Very brave of you. How old's Diala?" The man asks. "Sixteen." I tremble. "How old are you?" He asks, gazing into my pale green eyes. My clenched fists shake as I answer. "Thirteen."

I wake up, aching. I don't know why. The dream I had last night slipped away before I could remeber any bit of it, but it didn't bother me as much as it might have back at home. It probably would have just scared me. I decide to go take a quick shower. Once out, I felt better, more relaxed, and my muscles weren't aching anymore. I dress up and quickly go to the See More kitchen. Jamon and Cort are already eating breakfast, so I join them. We say good morning to one another, but that's about it. When the gong finally rings to start another day of training, Cort finally said, "Okay guys, I want today to be normal day of training, no more excitment, do you understand?" We both nod and mutter, "Yes," under our breaths. "Good," he answers as we are escorted to the elevator, leaving Cort behind. All I could think was, 'At least, we'll try.' Because I couldn't make any promises. Once down in the training area, I walk over to the rope-tying section, thinking it was one of my best shots at no excitment
on November 18, 2013

Searah wakes up from a peaceful night. She never seems to dream, or have nightmares for that matter. She wanders through the apartment and to the nice bathroom. In her odd state of just how waking, she doesn't notice the bathroom is being used. She turns the knob, only to find it locked, Rah finally sees the light coming from under the door and kicks it, stunning See More her toe. "Come on, Princess!" she yells at Luis as she hears him mumble to himself."I've got to go!" she princess like a child, not seeming haunted by the night at all. When he door isn't opened, she hurries throughout the apartment and she finally finds a second bathroom. Locking herself in, she sits on the edge of the bath tub, thinking quietly. She only comes out when Mya starts yelling that it's time for breakfast.
on May 19, 2013

I rush to bed, and after lying in my bed for thirty minutes at least, I dose off to a deep slumber. But salvation doesn't come there. Nightmares of the Games,that take place in deserts, jungles, forests haunt my rest. Finally, I awaken, still in the Games my mind forces me into. Adrenaline begins to die down, and I find a grip on reality. I leave my temporary See More bedroom,and splash water on my face."It won't turn out like that." I tell myself. I remember my dreams as if they really happened. Visions of being slain by tributes I've seen in training. Especially Quinn. Just below my feet, he is either sleeping, or plotting my death. I have to win this.
on May 18, 2013

Mya glares at Rah angrily. Mya Honan puts a hand on each of Searah's narrow shoulders and shakes the girl. "Tell me!" the mentor nearly screams and Searah's eyes start to fill with tears. "N-no!" The young tribute's voice shakes unsteadily, but she doesn't cry. Yet. "I d-don't know! I swear! I was i-i was in the e-elevator, and he was there, a-and I'm so s-sorry!" See More she pleas and Mya finally stops throttling the thin girl. An angry knock on the door stops Mya from saying any more, a Peacekeeper yells on the other side, "Lights out. 5 minutes. No exceptions" and Searah breathes a great deep breath in relief. "Get to bed." Honan says to both Luis and Searah and they rush off to bed, Searah giving Luis a grateful look, as he kind of saved her earlier, putting himself at huge risk with Quinn.
on May 16, 2013

Even though Cort told us to leave, we stayed. I looked over at Searah, worried. I hear Cort say it wasn't too deep. I sigh in releif. But then he lowers his voice probably thinking that only Mya can hear, but I do too. I can't believe what he's saying! I didn't believe Searah was weak. And a look at Jamon's face told me the same. Then we're ordered back to our See More rooms. "We'll talk more tomorrow," Cort says as we head to bed, "Night!" I call to him and he says night back. As we're about to go into our rooms, I remind Jamon that if he needs anything, he'd just have to come a-knocking. He nods and says "Thanks and night," drowsily as he enters his room. "Night," I answer. As I slip into my bed, I know tomorrow is going to be anither eventful day of training.
on May 16, 2013
on April 16, 2013