R.B.R FOREVER! remember when it was just me, potterpox, and clove? then we got puglover and tornade and hannahpower (miss her) then we had the whole chat page! and our chocolate palace and floating marshmallow pies and trains XD. I kind of miss that. but I am so so so so happy that we have all this anti haters! I am so glad that we grew so much and now we really made a difference in this website! we helped get pages, we banned pinkpurse and iampretty (ugh),we did everything! I See More love everyone of you who has joined the R.B.RS and I appreciate everything! R.B.R FOREVER!

:) :D :) :D :) :D
on June 27, 2013

on June 27, 2013

on June 27, 2013

WOOP GO RBR!!!!!!!!
on June 27, 2013

Wat im not in the R.B.R thing???
on June 27, 2013
on June 27, 2013

I heard you are hating on my buddies, and no one hates on an R.B.RS buddies...
on June 26, 2013

ALL YOU HATERS JUST GET OFF QFEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on June 26, 2013

New hater! TaylorSwift! hating on me and chubby_monkey privately! ALERT!
on June 25, 2013

Having trouble with wifi sooooo sorry if you don't hear from me!!
on June 21, 2013

hey! C: <3
on June 11, 2013

on May 29, 2013

RBR is my life here on qfeast! its such a great group with such great people. i still remeber the day clove sang her rap, but i cnt name all the words right now! FROM EARTH707, R.B.R OFFICAL FOUNDER!

on June 04, 2013
on May 29, 2013

Hi:) What's up?

on May 29, 2013

Well, I wish you a good-night:D Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bight!!:) Kk:) TTYL!!:)
on May 29, 2013

bout to go to sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! srry i cnt chat cause i havta get up to early tomorrow! we will tlk tomorrow k? goodnght!!!!!!!!!! :)
on May 29, 2013
on May 29, 2013

earth707 asked a question
Whats the scariest movie you've ever seen? just wanna know cause i am a huuuuge horror ...
on May 29, 2013

hi whats up
on May 29, 2013

hi! i cant seem to upload any images to make a quiz or question. whenever i try, i click browse images and nothing happens so i cant do anything! help please! thanks!

on May 30, 2013
on May 29, 2013


I'm good, though tired, have you ever Eaten a glob of peanut butter with our anything else? Just to see what happens?
on May 29, 2013
on May 28, 2013

Earthy, you're back! :D

Yesh, have you ever heard the funny quote/joke-
Dear Maths,
Please solve your own problems. I'm tired of solving them for you.
xD :P Can you relate to that? I can definitely. :P
Dear Maths,
Please solve your own problems. I'm tired of solving them for you.
xD :P Can you relate to that? I can definitely. :P
on May 30, 2013

heeeey! ikr! blame all the probs on math! man so much hate! well at least im back with my good friends!
on May 29, 2013
on May 27, 2013

Hello thank u for the follow! I will return the favor =))
on May 27, 2013

on May 27, 2013