People people of all qfeasters, I am not hating on anyone anymore. Please forgive me. Pls. Especially owl361.

on July 06, 2013

Great guys :)
on July 05, 2013

Owl361, what you said first was rude. She apologized kindly, so why are u being rude? Anyways, its okay Taylor
on June 28, 2013

on June 28, 2013

Yay xxx
on June 27, 2013
on June 27, 2013

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was TaylorSwift. Because in not the real taylor swift
on June 26, 2013

I heard you are hating on my buddies, and no one hates on an R.B.RS buddies...
on June 26, 2013

I have to tell you to stop hating everyone or you will regret every single bad thing you said to my friends. And if you just ignore this as if you didn't read it or you just don't care, then I will have EVERYONE i know report you. Oh wait, everyone already is reporting you!

on June 27, 2013

i agree with keara if taylor doesnt say anymore mean stuff to anyone we shouldnt say mean stuff back
on June 27, 2013

Yes, someone else is thinking like me :)
I hate seeing people fight as much as I hate falling out with people as well.
People need to get this horrible idea out of their head that just because they're behind a computer, that they can write any mean thing that they want! No one knows how badly you can affect someone :'(
Owl361, if you're not going to let Taylor See More answer your questions, and you keep on writing mean stuff to her, then I suggest that you just stop talking to her altogether. I'm not blaming anyo
I hate seeing people fight as much as I hate falling out with people as well.
People need to get this horrible idea out of their head that just because they're behind a computer, that they can write any mean thing that they want! No one knows how badly you can affect someone :'(
Owl361, if you're not going to let Taylor See More answer your questions, and you keep on writing mean stuff to her, then I suggest that you just stop talking to her altogether. I'm not blaming anyo
on June 27, 2013
on June 25, 2013

Sorry Taylor-impersonator, thank to a couple cusses I m reporting you to the rbrs. See yah. Oh, and I bet Taylor swift would not like you hating on other people. Toodles! Budgie out!

:(I said I wasn't real Taylor swift. and RylieB, I thought you were a nice person I even followed you. maybe I should take it back :(
on July 17, 2013

yeah taylor i have 103 followers and I've only been here for like 18 days woman!! And most of us Qfeasters are TEENS NOT YOUNG ADULTS!! Just sayin, I'm 15
on July 06, 2013

These silly fights have to stop. Qfeast is a community but it's ton when people like her ruin it!
on June 25, 2013
on June 25, 2013