If you've followed me, and I haven't had the chance to follow back, please tell me :(
on April 13, 2014

I am so sorry...I have like not been caught up with my followers...I came on and I had like 83 notifications...im sorry :(
on April 08, 2014

Sorry guyz haven't been on for long
on August 31, 2013

Hey rylie
on August 14, 2013

In the info above it say your email address, i tried contacting you but you didn't reply... I will send another. I think we could be really good friends, i can sing.... O have sand back up for little mix... Plus you are really pretty!
on July 31, 2013

hey please could you write another chapter on you love story thanks
on July 22, 2013

is that you on your profile picture.. if so you are really pretty! Can we be friend.. Cause it looks like you like singing/ music so do i
on July 09, 2013

Good luck at your concert
on July 06, 2013

U just joined qfeast 18 days ago and you've reach 100 followers over!

O:-)yes I am going for my grandmas doctor appointment and my families doctors too my grandma lives in New York.
on July 06, 2013
on July 06, 2013

wat's up?

how is it your fault???? it probley isnt working cuz i have pandora on right now.
on July 06, 2013
on July 05, 2013