The Kissa Show
Heya Qfeast! Have a good time and check in to be featured in my stories, quizzes and questions! Have fun, chat with me and others and when you have your member request will be accepted. (harsh but recpectable words)

Sorry guyz haven't been on for long

that's ok
on February 23, 2014

yeah no
on September 22, 2013
on August 31, 2013

Creating a question! Want to be in it? These are the rules. Upload a video on here of your favorite song by tomorrow at 3:00. Later I will announce the winner and create the question. (members only)

that was a lotta talkin but your right that does lead to the video if you press the win!
on July 05, 2013
on July 05, 2013

Hey everyone! Who's happy? Post ur emoticon here, member or not

on July 31, 2013
on July 03, 2013

18 members. soon we'll be the most popular page.
And wouldn't you like to be on that page!!??
And wouldn't you like to be on that page!!??
on June 26, 2013

25 minutes until contest winner is announced eee

on June 25, 2013
on June 25, 2013

Bye everyone! Gotta go!
on June 23, 2013

Ok guyz. The newest contest is also featured in my 2nd book Pictures Of Me2. You can check it out or keep reading. So this time it is in a story. yay! okay to be featured you have to be a member or request membership, depending on who u are. Then please just type Kissa Is a Model (lol don't type this) and the first one who does gets their own pic and chapter!

on June 23, 2013
on June 23, 2013

quiz will start sooooonn
on June 20, 2013

ok guyz. next feature will be tomorrow or on thursday so check in
on June 19, 2013

newest features for members only! subscribers please press members and request member ship. okay. i making a new quiz soon, my second. to be featured please say so. i can only get 3 people in it, so watch out!
on June 18, 2013

4 members already! keep them requests comin

look at the profile picture on the page. don't i look like huh?said what is written all over my face lol
on June 18, 2013
on June 18, 2013

Joining is important to me. At least check in weekly and make the duty of chatting and chilling here so that we can have the most popular page in the world, because of so many members!
on June 17, 2013