I know you don't know me but I'm 11 years old and love reading your quizzes and stories, WRITE MORE.............. xxx
on October 28, 2013

plzzzzzzzzzzzzz talk to me

kk x oh and by the way we are picking u up at 8:00 am with Jacob then we are going to a stable called blossom hill stables and then we are going to Scotland to your stable xxxxxxx byeeeeee xxxx gtg xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
on July 31, 2013
on July 31, 2013

In the info above it say your email address, i tried contacting you but you didn't reply... I will send another. I think we could be really good friends, i can sing.... O have sand back up for little mix... Plus you are really pretty!
on July 31, 2013

hey, have got the perfect quiz for you type in - who are you from pitch perfect
on July 30, 2013

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What Jessie Character are you? (2)
on July 30, 2013

perrieedwards1 added a new chapter to The love diary

15th September- 12pm
"Okay I just need to know what happened." Said the bulky police man.
I shivered. Due to the shock I was cold and worried. The police man sat down and placed his warm hand on my cold hand," Now don't worry, you won't get in trouble."
My mind re-winded, in the police car tom had mouthed at me- don't say anything.
I burst into tears and the police man comforted me. Soon I was unraveling the whole story.
Back outside the questioning room my mum was sat on a wooden bench. When she saw m... Read Full Chapter
I shivered. Due to the shock I was cold and worried. The police man sat down and placed his warm hand on my cold hand," Now don't worry, you won't get in trouble."
My mind re-winded, in the police car tom had mouthed at me- don't say anything.
I burst into tears and the police man comforted me. Soon I was unraveling the whole story.
Back outside the questioning room my mum was sat on a wooden bench. When she saw m... Read Full Chapter
on July 30, 2013

perrieedwards1 added a new chapter to The love diary

15th september
oh No!!! I am truly ashamed!!! It's Tom. Yep you got it... we were involved with the police. So we were out, me and tom, and we walked past this garden and tom stopped.
"Hey, What's up?" I asked.
"O my god look at that foot ball there- it is signed by david beckam!"
With out another word he jumped into the garden.
"Tom, stop you can't do that!!!" I cried.
"Shut up Jess!" He ordered.
Running after him over the lawn, he was just about to touch the ball but I grabbed his arm. In anger he... Read Full Chapter
"Hey, What's up?" I asked.
"O my god look at that foot ball there- it is signed by david beckam!"
With out another word he jumped into the garden.
"Tom, stop you can't do that!!!" I cried.
"Shut up Jess!" He ordered.
Running after him over the lawn, he was just about to touch the ball but I grabbed his arm. In anger he... Read Full Chapter
on July 30, 2013

hey megan just found out you were making a quiz... love it I will try it out. To do all my quizzes search me, then look on my quizzes. Thanks

on July 30, 2013
on July 30, 2013

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was horseloverwahoo1
on July 29, 2013

hey thanks for following me i will follow you
on July 29, 2013