perrieedwards1 added a new chapter to The love diary

12th September.
Sorry i haven't been writing lately but i kinda think Tom is starting to show a bad boy image- let me explain...
Our roller skating date started to go really well, we had shared and ice cream, we had gone to the beach for a bit then we went into the park...However just as we were leaving we saw a women striding along. She looked about forty odd and was quite big, wearing a pink floral dress. Tom lent in a whispered in my ear, " Look, as fast you can skate past her then i will a giver he... Read Full Chapter
Our roller skating date started to go really well, we had shared and ice cream, we had gone to the beach for a bit then we went into the park...However just as we were leaving we saw a women striding along. She looked about forty odd and was quite big, wearing a pink floral dress. Tom lent in a whispered in my ear, " Look, as fast you can skate past her then i will a giver he... Read Full Chapter
on July 24, 2013

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Which wild animal will you find wrapped under the xmas tree?
on July 23, 2013

Look what personality I've got! What about you? Hey please try ma new quiz. If you like ma quiz please follow me
on July 23, 2013

perrieedwards1 added a new chapter to The love diary

5th September
Okay so i was really annoyed about this and Stella kept grinning at me horribly. I thought- great he likes her! But how wrong was I....
Bored i sat in my first geography class of the year and was so bored. Mr Tenam kept going on about this stupid country and i kept yawning. But then there was a knock on the class room door and i turned around to see who it was. Mrs Green, the head teacher came in frowning and following behind her was Tom.
"I'm sorry Mr Teman, but Tom Worthy hear got lost... Read Full Chapter
Bored i sat in my first geography class of the year and was so bored. Mr Tenam kept going on about this stupid country and i kept yawning. But then there was a knock on the class room door and i turned around to see who it was. Mrs Green, the head teacher came in frowning and following behind her was Tom.
"I'm sorry Mr Teman, but Tom Worthy hear got lost... Read Full Chapter
on July 23, 2013

hey please could you write another chapter on you love story thanks
on July 22, 2013

perrieedwards1 asked a question

what to wear. Okay so i'm going out on a double date on wednesday and i have no idea wh...
on July 21, 2013

read ma new story
on July 20, 2013

read my new story
on July 20, 2013

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What celebrity will you marry?
on July 20, 2013