12th September.

Our roller skating date started to go really well, we had shared and ice cream, we had gone to the beach for a bit then we went into the park...However just as we were leaving we saw a women striding along. She looked about forty odd and was quite big, wearing a pink floral dress. Tom lent in a whispered in my ear, " Look, as fast you can skate past her then i will a giver her a quick nudge."
"No tom!" I cried.
"why not, come on stop being soooo boring!"
I sighed sped off, I skated right past. Then in shock she gasped. Tom followed and pushed her, she wobbled to one side and just managed to keep her balance...
"hey you Kids. Did you not read the sign. SKATE FREE YOU LOONITICS!!!!!"
As we sped of Tom cried " Stup your mouth hole, yoo old, fat bat!"
then he took me into an allay way and went into sexily snog me. I tried to push me in but he pulled me back. Are lips enclosed around each other and our tong twirled around and slip on each others.
He has done other BAD things as well- scraping a mans car, graffeying the bank wall ect!
What did i do
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