What BTR Boy Should U Date? I would date James but I'm already dating Dallas, and I really don't have time to date 2 guys at once. lol! RylieB published on July 06, 2013 Stacked 1/5 What is your favorite color? Green Yellow Red Blue 2/5 Where would you go on your very first vacation(if you had the money of course)? Brazil Mexico Austraila Europe 3/5 It's Prom Night! There's two guys your torn between, because you were asked out by both of them. You: Justr go without anybody and go with your girlfriends as a group Choose none but regret it Go with the one with more personality Choose the one who's cuter 4/5 How long do you ussaully stay in a relationship? As long as it has to go on Until he meets another girl 1 year 2 days 5/5 If someone could name your best trait/personality what would they say? Smart Cute Bold Sensitive