Questions Sitemap - Page 21

Questions Sitemap - Page 21. Browse Questions on Qfeast

I wanna come out to my dad but I'm scared... What do I do?! I need a way to tell him I am this way... Without being scared of him rejecting me ...
Who is worse? Germany or Spain
Is chocolate licorice the same as black licorice? My grandma just gave me licorice I asked her "is it black licorice?" but she said its chocolate licorice and I wanna know if black and chocolate licorice are the same thing. they taste alike.
R u a girl or a boy or neither? Just asking to c
should kanye west run for president? just a very random question coz one of my friends liked that idea...
JROTC: What is it? Join maybe? So I'm almost gonna be in highschool in a few months and the highschool I'm going to has JROTC. I'm thinking of joining. I know what it stands for but what exactly do you do and is it a good choice to join? How does it affect your schedule or what's the work like?
Not legal in my country but I want to run away I mean how? I want to earn money for myself m I think I can by selling stories art anything . Anybideas how to escape a place I don't want to be belonged
Give me a weird Nickname please
Is abortion ok?
Would you like to learn Wumbology? You know, i wumbo, you wumbo, he, she, they wumbo. The study of wumbology! Its 1st grade spongebob! -Patrick.
Is there anybody put there for me to date Girls only!
ew gross genitals what does that even mean what is genital ew gross genitals what does that even mean what is genital
would you rent a rat? go to my page
how do i make lettuce?
would you dentist?
has anyone heard of TMOM does anyone here know about TMOM (The Murder of Me by Gig-D on DeviantArt) or read it? Just curious (Also, art is not mine for the cover)
is anyone from argentina? im from argentina and proud :D yay
Why are Americans so weird? Hello. I am from Argentina.
Girlfriend applications I saw one of these and was like what the heck I'm lonely so why not make one. Under 14 and girls only.
Are people too obsessed with anime and their waifus? Like unhealtjily heck yeah. I used to be super obsessed with my husbando from OHSHC
Boyfriend applications I saw one on girlfriend so why not boyfrined I need a boyfriend. Rei is ugly . By way I look this
Is it ok to think everyone is ugly I can never find people prettier than me
Why do I look so beautiful? I'm not trying to flex but I look too cute and attract too much attention. What do you guys think
Does anyone here like Boba?
Who here has been betrayed? Or is it just me... I kinda hope I'm alone with being hurts when it happens...*turns away*
Skateboard design inspiration? Customizing a skateboard and need inspiration. It can be a song, image or fandom.
if boys can love me for the fat on my chest (my boobs) why can't they love me for the fat on my far right tough?
Is there a way I can erase qfeast emojis?
What is a good anime to watch? I’ve already seen most of the mainstream animes like Black Butler, full metal alchemist, naruto, soul eater, my hero academia, Hunter x Hunter, fruits basket, one piece, SAO, attack on titan, etc I’ve seen some of the less popular ones too like Madoka Mágica, haikyuu, A.I.C.O incarnation, devilman crybaby, etc I just need something that I haven’t watched that I’ll enjoy :)
If you were a wrestler, what would your entrance music be?
Who is your favorite singer? (2) Mine is Ariana Grande.
What's your view on depression?
How do I remove a bandaid from my cats claw? I've been trying to get it out for about 10min but it's really stuck I tried scissors but the bandaid is too thick
Is it rude to clean someone else's house? I'm staying at a cousin's for a few nights and they went to run errands so I got bored and cleaned up a bit while they were gone (sweeping,picking up trash, putting things back in their place, nothing too big) It only occurred to me afterwards that might come off as rude?
I'm scared for middle school, does anyone have advice? i'm very scared to go to 6th grade at middle school, i know i'll have friends there, but i'm still very scared. Does anyone have advice that might help me get through 6th grade?
Submit a Merge Madness charater for the Youtube Series! Here is form ^w^ Name: Gender: Kind of object: Personality: Likes (optional): Dislikes (optional): Other (optional): Image (required. Can be irl image): Limbs (ex: Two arms, Two legs): Rules! -MUST BE OBJECT SHOW CHARATER! no humans allowed! -NO JOKE CHARATERS! This is a serious show. A poll will be releaced to vote on 10 people to join the show. I might add some of my new charaters to the poll as well as use them as examples.
For those who play games, what 1 is your favorite? Read the title...ok?
gf/bf applications yes
Who is your favorite wings of fire character? Not just just dragons bye the way.
Who is your favorite singer, band, or DJ? I'm just curious.
my mum called me gay for liking a guy when I'm a gril why
Recommend me some games online! just don't give me scary ones coz they scare the shit outta me.
Why are boxing rings square? I was reading stupid questions or something like that on watt pad,and one of the questions they asked was this one.
Does anyone know about the card game Magic: the gathering? I was curious of how many people know about the card game. I played it a few times a year or two ago in my high school.
does anyone know how to play dungeons and dragons? yeah my friend is trying to help me make a character sheet for it and trying to help me understand how to play the game but a little more help would be nice bc im so freggin confused rn
Read Discription Are the Es in the word Bee silent?
Okay any last requests? Drawing requests of course and these are the last I'll take for the month of june
Whats you favorite game?
does nobody like to watch my live streams? i do like to live stream on MIXER alot especially alot of skyrim with mods but i just wanna know how you guys feel about my streams and how i can improve them because i wanna make sure you guys have fun watching them just as much as i play them but just give me your honest opinion and i'll do my best to make my next streams much more bearable and enjoyable.
has anyone heard of a white hole? There's such a thing as a white hole. I found out recently it's basically a black hole but in reverse. It doesn't suck anything in it blows it all out and nothing can ever get in.
What music do you listen to? I like RHCP's. Great band. Great music. Turn Again is a great song. What about you?
Pineapple on Pizza. Does it or does it not belong on pizza? Discuss.
What was your favorite food when you were a kid? I think when I was a kid macaroni and cheese,hot dogs, pizza and spaghetti might of been my favorite.
You are trapped in the last TV show you watched. Where are you, and will you survive? You’re trapped in the last TV show you watched. Where are you, and will you survive? I think the last TV show I watched was SpongeBob SquarePants so I might not live very long because I won't be able to breathe underwater.
Would you rather series with qfea sters. ? Comment if u wanna be in. I'll pick two for each poll. Also gimme ideas for questions . bye
What would you do if you saw me crying? uwu curious again
Wanna be friends? (1) I don’t have any friends on here yet :( I’m Sierra and I like anime, creepypasta, and video games
BeSt FrIeNds aPpLIcation pLeAse I need friends. I loST aLL oF Mai FRiEnds aNd NeEd NeW fRiEnDs uwU AppLY to Be A FRIEND ok :(( :(
whats ur fave south park quote? whats ur favorite south park quote ?
I do requests and such... Don't give to many pweez
Can anyone come up with a name for my anti hero Character? i'm trying to come up with a replacement name for Shadow the wolf but i can't think of one that matches his character can anyone help me out (pic is irrelevant)
Would SCP attack A.I.? Would scp 096 attack robots? How about AI like Jarvis and Ultron? That would be a much easier way to deal with him.
suggest some songs im tired of listening to the same shit request some good bopz and make sure its indie
what was the first thing you did today? you woke up and did what?
is it ok to cry?
if your friend/partner has head lice what would you do? just asking cause my sister does. What would you do if someone you are close to has lice. would you stop seeing them or hate them for that?
For those that play FFXIV, what would be some of your favorite vistas from the South Shroud? (coordinates plz) I am doing an extensive project in ffxiv right now where I am hunting for the best and often times overlooked vistas in hopes of re-capturing the old zones of ARR in a lovely new light! So if anyone has any coordinates they would feel would make for a lovely backdrop for this project, please tell and thank you <3
Do you like music? If so, what is your favorite genre?
If an anti-vaxxer is hit by a tree and nobody is around to essential oil 'em up, do they still get autism? This is a very serious question serious answers only or you WILL be vaccinated
I need a little help please Ok well this is not that important but I just wanna ask you guys if you could help me pick five(5) boy creepypasta characters cause I'm gonna make my first quiz and yes I'm gonna make one cause I feel like I'm the only one person who doesn't have one so yeah just comment if you want to help me i will appreciate your help** oh and yeah that's my ugly face there anyways bye!**
Is Sam real
What would you do if someone met you, and then posted about much of an asshole you are irl?
Hi! Can anybody help me please? Well there's this one time I tried doing a 'how to summon any creepypastas in your dreams' thing and I make sure I did the steps right but it's been weeks since I'm doing this but nothing is happening not even like a drawing looking kind of them. So I'm wondering if any of you people have tried that spell and if it work. So can you guys comment if you ever tried doing the spell and if it work. If you don't know what I'm talking about just search in watt pad or maybe even here in qfeast. Thank you for your time?
Who knows what I did to keep my girlfriend from talking to me? So like two weeks ago at lunch my friends were saying things about us and my girlfriend is blaming me, why?
Is it bad to stay awake until 1:30 am every night?
Wuts ur online otp We have fictional otps and online ones what’s urs
Have you ever fainted because of a sport? i have.
Who's gonna take their horse to the old town road? This is a page for people who like old town road.
What's stopping me from eliminating you?!
Can anyone help me? My girlfriend hasn't been talking to me for a couple days and I need some help.
Do you guys liek twenty one pilots? if you do name a fav song from the albums blurry face vessel and trench
Who is you favorite YouTuber? You can pick more then one. ??
Ask Netherworks Just ask any question. I havent done these in a while.
React to this (first one) I can't multiply and I'm 14 years old but I can divide
What do you think life would be like if John Lennon was still alive? would there be much of a change? more drama? more twitter posts? what do you think?
how good is your hearing? watch the video in the comments and how many hz can you hear?
Anyone wanna be a friend I got heart broken and back stabbed from my friends. Can u be a friend?
Anyone else watch MLB?
What kind of dance is good to learn.?(read descp) So here's a short note on me. I am not very hands are super flexible tho. I'm kinda lazy but when it's a high beat I feel energized to dance. I have no patience and don't like slow dancing. I listen to indie and alternative mostly and like wearing comfy, pastel clothes and don't mind dark clothes. So that's what my 'style' is. So what do you think is best for me
Do you think I told my crush I liked her?
Choose a number One to ten and the name of the oc you want a fact on
What is the point of the elite four if we are going to game rage/beat them anyway and don't see them ever again? What is the point. Explain please logic!
So I just drank three bottles of soya bean sauce and sprite. Would anything happen? Is that a bad combination or have a drink a little too much.
What would you do if you met me in real life? If you met me in real life what would you do
What love one that you miss a lot. That a loved one passed away? Tell me about your loved one that passed away. What Loved one do you miss. I miss my grandma
I have no ideas for what to draw..have any drawing ideas? Please help me!
did your newfeed items get deleted on own? like for ex I had 3 in my newsfeed but the count got disappeared and showed none
What is your favorite character? It really doesnt matter where they are from tbh
What does it mean when you bleed from your eyes? Umm...
Crushes are clueless So, my crush is freaking dumb. I have left subtle obvious clues that I like him and he hasn’t gotten it yet. What do I do? Btw here’s a pic of my celeb crush.