Whats you favorite game?
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Minecraft and Battle for Bikini Bottom (the origional)

oh i havent played he 2nd game

oh cool ill check it out. feels like maybe i have played his game before but idk....
on June 17, 2019

Yea. Its about fighting robots. The hardest robot, in my opinion, is the one that sleeps. https://www.google.com/search?q=sleeping+robot+battle+for+bikini+bottom&safe=active&client=ms-android-metropcs-us&prmd=ivn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi-39Twh_HiAhWHxFkKHYM1CNcQ_AUoAXoECA0QAQ#imgrc=wExtoZ1JV9RmcM and i forget how to beat it. Its been a while since See More i played the game.
on June 17, 2019

big oof. i could go next door and play it with my neighbors since they have game consoles like that and im sure they have the game too. they let me play on thei games and stuff since my grandma never lets me play games at home
on June 17, 2019

Its really fun. It is on Game Cube, Play Statiob (idk which), and the origional Xbox. There is a newer one for Xbox 1 and stuff, but i havent played it and i feel like it would ruin the origional game. I cant find the cord for my game cube that would plug into my tv, saddly, so i cant play it.
on June 17, 2019
on June 17, 2019
on June 17, 2019
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anything pokemon for the most part. and anything that relates to anime of some sort.
on June 17, 2019