Questions Sitemap - Page 23

Questions Sitemap - Page 23. Browse Questions on Qfeast

how do you get over an ex? i broke up with my gf about three weeks ago and still like what do i do
Memes or no?
Do you like cooking? This is just a random question
what do you think about momo? many people have been complaining about momo so i want to know what you think.
you hear: FBI OPEN UP! At you door. What do you do?
What is A good name for a hospital?
Would you rather ride a horse in a rainstorm every day or ride in perfect weather every week? You're allowed to assume that you ride in an indoor arena. I would choose riding every day, I love it! Just so long as shows don't count ;).
Anyone else here think Brendon Urie from panic at the disco be a great joker? come on yall know brendon would make a great joker hes carzy enough.
your opinion about K-pop I've never covered this topic so,... , here it is tell me your opinions and be honest! but don't be too harsh/rude ~~
It's the last concert of your favorite band/singer. Your reaction? make a story if you like. Just Imagine . write down how you feel , and what will you do after hearing the news. would you buy all the merch and finally go to their concert? and sorry if I made y'all cry.
Do you really have depression!?! I don't think so, nope you are just going along with the great (fake) depression, get outta here!
does ANYONE go to cactus or at least live in palmdale? what schools do you guys go to? its ok tho im always alone.
How old are you guys? heys im 14, just wanna see how old you guys are.
is ANYONE else here a pisces or born on march?!? please like please cme on muy dudes, am i really the only one? also thats me and my ugly ass stupid ass ghetto ass brother, let me tell you not to be racist to my own kind , but i dont act BLACK. anyone can tell you that about me.
you guys have any questions for me, cus i did the repost thing haha i dont know why i did that.
what do you think of attending a concert in another country? Okays let's say there's a kid Amy, and her dad says it's stupid and really nonsense to go to another country for just a concert. And it's in the same continent she lives in . But she loves the band sm although she's know it just for a month or so. what do you think?
What Is Your Overall Opinion on Steven Universe? Steven Universe is a tv show on Cartoon Network about a young boy who lives with his three guardians, Garnet, Amythest, and Pearl. We adventure with his through his life and learn just what its like to be Steven Universe, whether its going to the Big Donut, or learning how to use his gem powers. Through the series, the fandom get more than expected when it touches tough topics and gives us heartwarming moments. Lets not forget the songs! How do you feel about this show? If you havent watched the show, is their anything you want to know?
If money is made from paper and paper is made from trees then why do people say money doesn't grow on trees? Sorry for the long title
Answer this question Ok so I’m going to write a story CPxReader but I don’t know what Creepypasta to do so tell me what one and I’ll do the on that gets the most answer ok thank you
When's ur bday? When is ur bday r we bday twins? Maybe say the year u were born to! I was born April 11 2008 at 12:37 pm
Recomended tween shows? So I want to find a new thing to watch but can't find anything good. It has to be something on netflix and or hulu (cause that's all I have lol..) also when you recomended it please tell me the plot :p (incase you don't know what a tween it's the age group of ages 8-12
What is your favorite Disney movie? (1) What is ur favorite movie from Disney?
What is your weird addiction? Mine is eating paper.
Thieves or Demons? I just want to know the answer not for any reason really, no context just need to know Thieves or Demons?
What state is everyone from and what time is it? Easy very self explanatory In derp language what time is it and what state u live in?
Who would you to see in ssbu and why? Anyone that isn't already in ssbu.
circus babby monika or ayona ashie
i want to make a species any ideas? i wanna make a new furry fandom species could anyone give me ideas and names?
What are Queen Elizabeth II's duties?
What would you think about me if I started a Krusty Krab empire in Russia? Be honest
Do u like Creepypastas
what is your fav creepypasta?
ddlc or yandere simulstor Witch is better ddlc or yandere sim
Artwork for the cover page Im making a story in watt pad. I need artwork for cover page. I could make one for myself but krita.exe stopped and blocked my laptop (RIP) I will credit you with your permission . I hope you can help. I want a realistic artwork , a girl with wings, a cupid, or just a plain arrow and bow. thankyou < 3
What kind of mythical creatures would you see in a steampunk setting? Trying to make a WW2 based steampunk rp and need mythical creatures My logic is there it's a WIP
Can you tell me a really good joke? Tell me a random joke you know. I'm trying to think of jokes but can't. HELP
What would you do if someone told you"if you ever get lonely, look up at the sky"? im just wondering..
Can you guys name some iconic vines for me? I can't think of any good vines so I need you ppl to come up with them.
Do you feel insecure?
Do you have some Musical Recommendations? Need me some new musicals to listen to ~ I've been listening to the same soundtracks on my phone for a while new, so if any of you could hook me up with a cool musical, that'd be nice.
what do you want me to draw?
Ask these guys in the discription! ask alex cosmic shadow blizzard firefly comet
What Would You Do If Blueberry Sans Hugged You And Asked You Out? Would You?
Your opinion on Daniel Tiger? A fUrRy iCoN on PBS kids with no pants. He is the love child of Tigger the triggered tiger and Winnie the Pooh. ?
What time do your parents send you to bed?
Want to be in a nee years animation? Submit an appropriate non-joke object oc AND IT MUST BE AN OBJECT!
What is 14/88?
Do y'all think we should should just let Caillou's baldness be okay? He's a kid. No hair, but a kid. He may be a complete brat, but don't make fun of his baldness. He whiny ass fûck but his bald head, leave it alone. His head be a melon.
Is Dora actually kinda good? It taught white kiddos Spanish, taught ya bout mean steally foxes. Her haircut was smh but still.
Is QUBO underrated? Childhood again. Turbo Dogs, Rupert, I Spy, 3 2 1 Penguins, that channel is lit. Pippi Longstocking. Jane And The Dragon. My chuldren will hear bout that.
What's something you don't like but, everyone else seems to love?
Is PBS kids underrated? It's my CHILdhood
who is your smash bros ultimate main? mine is mega man
What's an old anime you like but isn't really known by others or doesn't have that big of a community? This kinda excludes Sailor Moon and any Dragon Ball series that wasn't made this or last year ig.
What's your favorite band/artist? Can you name some of your favorite songs they've made?
U get high on wead? Like, flower weeds?
Which ARTHUR character is best? Buster Baxter be best boi
Is it worth buying Play Station 4 Pro without 4K TV?
how do you be happy? it feels like i´m lonely without friends that care i need help
What would your dream woman be like? Go ahead and tell me your dream girl and what she's like.
What is your favorite food? (5) Everyone has a favorite food! Whats Yours?
What Video game do you like? Do you have any favorites? if so type right here!
What book do you wish would get it's own movie?
Can you tell me if I'm banned? Okay so I'm logged out of my account Jason_the_hedgehog and it doesn't do that feture were I can post on my wall in Jason_the_hegdegog profile any ways am I banned?
Do you like "Sweet Home Alabama" memes? The memes, not the song.
who is your fav vocaloid?
what kpop group do u like? What is it like to get ur period and do u likekpop and witch ones do u like
Describe Humans in the Simplest Terms God's mistake.
Favourite fast food and why?
What do you want to see in the 100 Qfeast Edition? So I've hit a writers block so. Help me out here. What would you like to see?
Which is better? lancer or sans? Is the Santa meme lancer better than the megalomaniac sans?
What do you think of white peop w/ do-rags?
So, I like this girl but I don't think she likes me. What do I do?
When life gives you lemons?
Need some Romcom movies Not anime . Just movies. Searching for english movies but other languages are welcomed. And please it should be free ! It would be really helpful if you give the link too. Thanks!
Do you guys like this rap I made? New bag full of shit that soulja Slim ya know that boy big dez I'ma keep on watching me mayn Know the homie hittin the pavement hustlers It up the rocks that's how yo Money and I ain't got no servant To serve somebody I'm telling Ride for you, girl Gettin' that cake I got to bag Me they can leave Mesmerizing grind your shape and I'm plottin To see what it is but Me to hide when they sniffing Ferl to all my love I hang with the bop gun Mo' time then turned since slave shit Gettin' that cake I got to bag Me they can leave Mesmerizing grind your shape and I'm plottin To see what it is but Facts I come across a tonne There I'm a pimp wanna hurt Belevie I squirt that led Ipods me and blood in the ass Gettin' that cake I got to bag Me they can leave Mesmerizing grind your shape and I'm plottin
It's almost the end of the year, what are a few things you're greatful for? Soo- we're nearing the end of 2018, and I'm just curious. Did you achieve any goals, go places, make relationships... that stuff? Did this year satisfy you?
ok i know this is unoriginal but... why do you guys "like" me?
What is article 13? Please don’t give me a link to Matpat’s video on this. Although entertaining, I don’t trust him on a resource. Also, please no bias on the article (for, against, it’ll directly effect everyone, it won’t, etc.) unless polite.
In what year did Stan Lee (the creator of Marvel) unfortunately pass away? I know the answer to this, do you? possible answers: 2017 2015 2018 2016
Who is your favourite character in the super smash bros series? it can be from any of the games, including the new one on Switch.
Who plays Cheryl Blossom in the Tv show Riverdale? I know the answer to this, do you? Possible answers: Madeline Pesch Madi Peters Madelaine Petsch Lili Reinhart Lily Raine
When was the movie Spider-Man: Homecoming released? I know the answer to this, do you? Possible Answers: 2018 2014 2017 2015 2016
Who is the oldest member of Why Don't We? I know the answer to this, do you? Possible Answers (from left to right): Daniel Seavey Corbyn Besson Jonah Marais Jack Avery Zach Herron
Who is the youngest member of Why Don't We? I know the answer to this, but do you? Possible answers (from left to right(: Daniel Seavey Jack Avery Corbyn Besson Zach Herron Jonah Marais
how many very specific tacos can you fit in your..TUMMY ? this i8s a tummy taco talk circle thomvfdjhtusjb
What are you're political views? Just wondering
Which of these heroines do you like most? From left to right: Katniss (Hunger Games), Rue (Hunger Games), Foxface (Hunger Games), Cressida (Hunger Games), Annabeth (Percy Jackson), Clarisse (Percy Jackson), Hermione (Harry Potter), Luna (Harry Potter) Clove (Hunger Games), Glimmer (Hunger Games), Tris (Divergent), Christina (Divergent), Ruby (Darkest Minds), Zu (Darkest Minds), Cho (Harry Potter), Ginny (Harry Potter) Teresa (Maze Runner), Brenda (Maze Runner), Lynn (Divergent), Marlene (Divergent), Emma (Miss Peregrine), Olive (Miss Peregrine), Elena (Vampire Diaries), Clary (Shadowhunters) Harriet (Maze Runner), Sonya (Maze Runner), Nita (Divergent), Bella (Twilight), Bronwyn (Miss Peregrine), Fiona (Miss Peregrine), Wanda (The Host), Cassie (The 5th Wave)
I want to lose weight fast I am almost 13 and I was thinking that since it is fall it is the best time to lose some weight but thanksgiving is soon so is Christmas so if you have any exercises that help lose belly fat and weight plz share them. My goal is to lose 50 Pounds before summer.
If it takes five minutes to boil an egg, how long does it take to boil 5 eggs? What is the answer to this "easy" riddle.
Have you ever screamed into your headset for fun?
Do you think there is aliens out in space? Are we the only ones? We cant be the only planet that has life in this MASSIVE universe, right?
what is your favorite book? (5) have fun :P
If you set your date on your computer as 2004 then uploaded something to youtube, how would that work?
My mom has cancer and I am prepared for her to die but I am not sad. Is it wrong how I feel? First, off I do not hate my mother. There are things I do not approve of But I do love her. So my mom has had cancer three times before this. The first time she had it I was about ten years old. I thought she was going to die. Luckily she was able to pull through. Unluckily it came back three times. The first three times it was breast cancer. It has now spread and now it is neck cancer. My mother complains about her legs hurting so I believe that the cancer has spread elsewhere. Since this is her fourth time having cancer and it has spread to other parts, I believe she is going to die. The thing is, I'm sure I will have moments where I will miss her but the thought of her death does not sadden me. I do fear about what will happen financially and how my siblings will cope with it. And since I am a Christian and my mother is not, nor does she have any motivation to be one, I am saddened at the thought that I will not see her when I pass.
This dude at school is confusing... Help, please? A guy at my school (who I happen to really like) does weird things. He sits near me, if I move he sits where I was. He'll bring up random shit to me. He keeps touching me with his foot (probably by accident)... wtf is going on with him?
whats ur fandoms lmao tell meee
Do you think my art is bad? I get very self-conscious a lot and I just wanted to know
Aesthetic Editing radical.radish what is that or better yet what is a good aesthetic editor I can use
Any art mediums you guys recommend? I've been trying to get out of just sketching, so recommend some things (: