Can you guys name some iconic vines for me? I can't think of any good vines so I need you ppl to come up with them.
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awe fuuck. I can’t helieve you’ve done this.
Road work ahead?? Uh, yeah I sure hope it does.
Lookit! Lookit! It’s fricken bats.. I love Halloween.
I smell like beef.
So you just gon bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift?
Road work ahead?? Uh, yeah I sure hope it does.
Lookit! Lookit! It’s fricken bats.. I love Halloween.
I smell like beef.
So you just gon bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift?
on January 12, 2019
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hurricane katrina? more like hurricane tortilla!!
is there anything better than pussy? yes, a really good book.
jared, can you read number 23 for the class? no, i can not. what up, i'm jared, i'm nineteen, and never fckn learned how to read.
ahh, you can't sit with us. ACTUALLY, megan, i can't sit ANYWHERE. i have hemorrhoids.
is there anything better than pussy? yes, a really good book.
jared, can you read number 23 for the class? no, i can not. what up, i'm jared, i'm nineteen, and never fckn learned how to read.
ahh, you can't sit with us. ACTUALLY, megan, i can't sit ANYWHERE. i have hemorrhoids.
on January 13, 2019