Can you tell me a really good joke? Tell me a random joke you know. I'm trying to think of jokes but can't. HELP
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You should go to PetSmart, and buy some birdseed. Then you need to go up to the person at the counter, and ask how long it will take for the birds to grow.
on January 18, 2019
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What would you get if you cross with a hen and a shark...?
Chicken of the sea!
Why didn't the skeleton mammoth cross the road...?
Because he has no guts!
Why did the parents barry the remote?
Because the batteries are dead!
The cat laughed so hard that milk came out of it's nose! See More
Here's more, but I don't know if it would offend you or what not...if it did, then I apologize about this... ?
Chicken of the sea!
Why didn't the skeleton mammoth cross the road...?
Because he has no guts!
Why did the parents barry the remote?
Because the batteries are dead!
The cat laughed so hard that milk came out of it's nose! See More
Here's more, but I don't know if it would offend you or what not...if it did, then I apologize about this... ?

One day the crowd said, "oh hey look, it's a bird! It's a plane!" And then the alien said, "Nope, it's just a guy falling from the sky..."
One day the bad guy was chased by cops...suddenly he stops and he says, "Hey look! It's a flying pony, pooping rainbow in the sky!"
The cops look at the bad guy weirdly and said, "What's so punny about a flying pony?!"
Then See More he replied, "because it's a legendary pony that has rainbow energy farts that makes them fly in the air!"
Here's another one...why would a guy run off with a whole bunch of holes on his clothing in the water...? Because he got chased by piranhas while he was fishing!
And the last one is the yo mama joke...yo mama is so old, that she knew Bendy when he was an Inkling!
One day the bad guy was chased by cops...suddenly he stops and he says, "Hey look! It's a flying pony, pooping rainbow in the sky!"
The cops look at the bad guy weirdly and said, "What's so punny about a flying pony?!"
Then See More he replied, "because it's a legendary pony that has rainbow energy farts that makes them fly in the air!"
Here's another one...why would a guy run off with a whole bunch of holes on his clothing in the water...? Because he got chased by piranhas while he was fishing!
And the last one is the yo mama joke...yo mama is so old, that she knew Bendy when he was an Inkling!
on January 15, 2019
on January 15, 2019
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I saw this at school and it made me laugh
Why do French only eat snails?
They don’t like fast food
Why do French only eat snails?
They don’t like fast food
on April 09, 2019