I4pegasisters created a poll

What type of music do like out of the options given? Comment your favorite band! (Try t...
on January 18, 2019

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Glitter_Force_Fan. The username was created on the spot, and am changing it to the one I most often use.
on January 18, 2019

I4pegasisters asked a question

In your opinion, who is the best actor that portrays Batman. (In any movie or TV show t...
on March 27, 2018

I4pegasisters asked a question

How well do you think My Little Pony is, and why? My Little Pony is a show created by H...
on March 25, 2018

I4pegasisters created a poll

Glitter Force: Who is a better leader, Queen Euphoria, Queen Candy, or Emperor Nogo?
on March 20, 2018