how dumb is Odie? they say no one can calculate his stupidity, can you?
What did the tomato say to the other tomato? DO NOT CHEAT!!

would you rather go blind or go deaf?
If flies are called flies, why aren't fish called swims? 1*x-files then intensifies*
ur a real freak if u can read this if u can read this ur a big ole freak i.w.t.s.y.d.t...
Figure out this riddle. A family of seven. One day the Mother was found dead up in her ...

What comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years? If you k...
What do you think about this joke I made up? Here's the joke: You can get an A in Math,...
whatz ur fav colour?

What is the meaning of life? (7) I honestly couldn't care less about stuff IRL so I jus...
Can you tell me a really good joke? Tell me a random joke you know. I'm trying to think...

If it takes five minutes to boil an egg, how long does it take to boil 5 eggs? What is ...
Have you ever screamed into your headset for fun?

What do you think about an egoistic person with low self esteem? sounds crazy as they'r...
Are there any good boy names meaning "sarcasm", "expressive", or "apathy"? I get the fe...

Real or Fake? uthink #R or #F

Do you think this is Real or Fake? R for Real or F for Fake

Truth Teller/Lie Teller Riddle! This is one of my favorites that my dad told me, it's r...